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Bluebird: Rebuilding the Wall

by Tonja Taylor  
12/23/2019 / Womens Interest

I shut the shade for the evening, feeling a pang of sadness that the light would soon be gone. Then, I opened it again, just to catch the last bit of glow before the darkness. To my surprise, spots of sunlight appeared on the freshly-mown grass, golden splashes against the carpet of green. I smiled, reminded that, no matter how cloudy it is, the sun is always shining.

I stood and gazed at the lovely green of the trees, the color of life, so soothing to the eye. I loved my backyard, even if it wasn’t really mine. The lovely little birdhouse my mother had given my five-year-old daughter and me now hung from the big oak tree. It was cute, a cottage-like miniature, with a top painted purple. 

As I'd nailed it up, I had thanked the Lord for His goodness in providing a home for us.

"Father," I whispered, "this would be a nice little shelter for a bluebird family as they build their short lives. I know You created all creatures and care for them. And if you care for the birds, how much more do You care for us. It would be really neat if You'd send us some bluebirds." 

Since I’d seen the movie “Cinderella” as a kid, I’d loved the sweet little bluebirds. To me, they had represented hope and joy. In the movie, they had helped Cinderella dress for the ball. Not just any old dress, or any old ball, but the finest, for a date with a destiny. In spite of how tough things had been, I knew God had a wonderful destiny for me. He was slowly but surely rebuilding the wall of my life. And somehow, bluebirds would help me to know that even more.

I was in the yard early the next morning, determined to clean up the piles of garbage left by the previous renters. I heard a bluebird's delightful song, and knew it was God cheering me on. Maybe, just maybe, the bird would find the little house we had “for rent.”

After about three hours of working in the spring sun, the difference was amazing. Much of what I'd picked up was the garbage of broken whiskey bottles and mashed beer cans, and other mess that had been there from past residents, perhaps for years. It was a cleansing act, a lovely thing, an encouragement to my soul. I was, like Nehemiah, clearing out the rubble and rebuilding the wall.

I looked up at the birdhouse, and there was a male bluebird! He rested on the perch, and sang a bit. The Lord had heard my prayer, and how quickly He had answered! He was showing me yet again that, loving Father that He was, He truly cared about every detail of my life.

I started to weep. To me, this was a very personal sign of love, for He Who created me knew just how I adored the little birds who were painted my favorite color. I froze, not wanting to frighten them. The female flew back and forth, then both took turns sticking their heads inside, checking out the house. I hoped they would nest there and raise little ones. 

The next day, Saturday, I was pleased with the fresh, cool breeze after the rain. The thunder had kept me awake all night, but the pleasantness of the morning made it worth the storm. I had luxury of lying in bed that morning, and I gazed out the open window and thanked the Lord for all He'd done, telling Him I knew He would do even more. Then I heard them!

I ran to the window, and there was the male bluebird, on the perch. He flew off, and I soon saw his little wife stick her head out. They had moved in. The male returned shortly with a twig. They were building their nest; building a home to raise another generation. 

They flew off, and I smiled. "Thank You, Father!" I said, and cried again. I rushed to the phone to call my daughter. I had to make contact and share this excitement with her. Tori sounded as tickled as I was about the birds, and wanted to come home right away. She was with her father, and I missed her.

I started daydreaming about all the fun she and I would have this spring and summer in the backyard. We would get a pool, and I’d teach her to swim. The landlord had given us a swingset, and now we had bluebirds to grace the place. We would have friends over for hot dog and marshmallow roasts, and take pictures of the birds and their little ones. We would rebuild the time we had lost the previous two years, while I was working too many hours at a stressful job.

The Lord had sustained me through that ordeal, and given me a three-week vacation, then a much better position with less hours. I had more rest, and was enjoying life more. I had more time and energy to do what I was meant to, to be who I was meant to be. My renewed creativity and zest for the things I enjoyed were like bluebirds returning after a long winter. And the bluebirds were singing to me, rejoicing in the rebuilding.

A squirrel came frisking along the ground, his tail moving up and down. The male bluebird was on the perch, and as soon as he saw the squirrel, he shrieked and dived at it, and chased it away. "GOOD DADDY!" I told him. I remembered how I’d had to continually chase away discouragement and cling to the promises of God, just like Nehemiah and his team as they rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem.

Looking up to Heaven, I smiled big, and told the Lord, "You are so GOOD, Daddy! I love You. Thank You for sending bluebirds of joy and chasing away the squirrels of pain. Thank You, Father, for rebuilding the wall of my life!"

copyright 2002

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: WRITERS

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