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by Lupie Riley  
8/30/2020 / Christian Living



Freelance writer Lupie Riley

Thought: I’m blessed to live on forty acres outside the big city with a panoramic view of natures wildlife.  Every day from my East and West bay windows I witness incomparable sunrises and sunsets along with the span of the Rocky Mountains from North to South. 


Last week I observed an unusual phenomenon that went on for over five minutes. I feed about 25-30 wild quail every morning and I call them my “chicks” because they scratch for food and lay eggs.  I also have a faux pine tree with solar lights and one of the adult quail had perched itself on the very tip standing straight up with it’s head turning in all directions like an owl.  He would stop and study the smoked covered mountains and I could almost read his thoughts, “what’s happening here”  Even nature is affected by the ominous dark clouds on the horizon.


The next day I filled my large birdbath with water and looked out my kitchen window to see six fawns, two bucks and doe’s drinking down to the last drop. Several of the fawns were looking in with those big, brown eyes asking for “more water”.

My heart went out to these poor, thirsty critters.


It reminded me of the Samaritan (half Jew half Gentile) woman’s encounter with Messiah Jesus. He knew why she was coming out to the well at that time as to not encounter the other woman since she had been married 5 times and living with the present man without marriage.  Jesus told her he had what she was looking for;  love, forgiveness, peace and stability that he could give her through his living water that would never run dry.  He also revealed to her that he was the Messiah, the Savior of the world. She believed who he was and by faith became a follower going back into town to share the good news with people.


When we become a part of God’s family through faith in Jesus, he doesn’t expect us to sit back, kick it up and never share the message of deliverance from sin.  We become witnesses to his grace, mercy, forgiveness using the spiritual gifts he has given us to bring others to the foot of the cross for Salvation. We don’t need to wait for a pastor to lead someone to Christ.  We just need to share what he has done for us like the Samaritan woman.


We are the Lord’s mouthpiece.  We can use our hands to take them into the Word, our feet to go to the lost and hurting with the message of hope and purpose, our eyes to see the needs in others and ears to hear their heartbreak and destitute souls asking for help and an answer to their broken hearts.  As God’s children we have that gospel message that can raise them up with a purpose and plan from God, the Father that will never leave or forsake them.

Jesus is that answer, the living water, bread of life, the sacrificial lamb, the Truth and the only way back to God.  Quench your thirst with this living water Jesus offers and invite Him into your life today. You will never be the same.


Prayer:  Father God, your creation that I observe everyday reveals to me how Majestic you are full of love, grace and forgiveness for lost souls.  I see changed lives when they allow you your rightful place on the throne of their heart.  Your Words to them is “come unto me all those who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”  Amen


Verse:  I Cor. 1:24,25 , 11 Cor 5:16b “But God has opened the eyes of those called to Salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, to see that Christ is the mighty power of God to save them: Christ himself is the center of God’s wise plan for their Salvation.  This so-called ”foolish” plan of God is far wiser than the wisest plan of the wisest man and God in his weakness---Christ dying on the cross---is far stronger than any man.” 5:16 How differently I feel now! When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand-new person inside.  He is not the same anymore.  A new life has begun!”

Married 58 years, four children, nine grandchildren and three greats. I've been a freelance writer for over 40 years. Working on a book at the present. My priorities are God first, family, country. Look me up on Google search by my name Lupie Riley, click on first link.

Article Source: WRITERS

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