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Making Sense of REVELATIONS â" a Summery, Guide and Explanations.

by Eugene Lopatynsky  
1/13/2021 / Prophecy

The Apocalypse, Tomorrows News.


End of the world only means an end of Satan’s reign. Six thousand years under Satan, then one thousand years under Christ Jesus, with the entire intelligent creation looking on, to see the difference. Not exactly stated this way in the Bible, but many calculate this way. The whole Bible divides by seven.

The APOCALYPSE (taught as Revelation) is part of the JUST JUDGMENT against Satan, his children and his people. Even this late, the events are slow, giving (I think) a chance to repent.

The Trumpets are preceded by a SILENCE IN HEAVEN, which lasts half an hour (Seventh Seal).

McGee tells a joke about it. Little Jimmy asks his profe (in school) whether women go to heaven. Jimmies father does not believe that women go to heaven.


“Because the Bible says there was SILENCE in heaven for half an hour.”

FIRST TRUMPET (Rev 8:7) results in hail and fire mingled with blood. This consumes one third of trees and grass of the Earth. That should beget some global attention, no? From this point on the events move rapidly.

SECOND TRUMPET (Rev 8:8): Mountain- like asteroid falling into ocean, kills one third of life in the water and one third of ships in the oceans. Gigantic tsunamis would be certain. The colliding matter may be poisonous.

Will the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bilderbergers, etc. blame it again on carbon emissions?

THIRD TRUMPET (Rev 8:10): Another burning asteroid, called Wormwood, contaminates a third of the Planets Rivers and water sources. A poisonous mass of matter will probably disintegrate in flight and cover (spray) most of the Northern Hemisphere.

FOURTH TRUMPET, appears as another sign to repent. A third part of the sun, moon and stars is darkened.

FIFTH TRUMPET (Rev 9:1): A ”star” (Satan) is cast to  Earth.  He is given the “key to the Pit”, releasing countless LOCUST- LIKE demons to torment the world population (only devil people, not new Christians) for 5 months. The king of these insect- like demons is Apollyon. The name “STAR” is given to angels, both good and bad (fallen ones).

Chapter 12 of Revelations probably belongs here, chronologically.

A Woman, clothed with the sun and moon and 12 stars is ISRAEL. (Rev 12 1-6).  It cannot be Mary and Joseph, because they did not have 12 sons, nor the stature of a father and mother present.

(Remember, Joseph (son of Jacob) had a dream. The sun and the moon and 11 stars made obeisance to him. His father Jacob scolded Joseph. How could your mother and father, and your 11 brothers bow down before you?)

Satan is cast out to Earth, with his fallen angels (Rev 12:8) and commences to persecute Israel (the Woman), Rev 12:13-17.

The ANTICHRIST (Rev 13:1-10), his “Helper”, the Beast, his escutcheon, power and conduct during 42 weeks.

Daniel (Dan 11:21 – Dan12:11) Gives much info about the coming Antichrist.

His entrance will be peaceful and with bribes, but only his entrance. Soon the antichrist will be embroiled in wars and violence, will magnify himself above all gods, abolish the new sacrifices restored by Orthodox Jews. The whole world will worship Satan’s Antichrist, except those in Christ.

The second BEAST (Rev 13:12), the helper, serving the Antichrist, will set up the worship of the statue of Antichrist; enforcing the mark of Satan on forehead or hand.

The MARK itself, will most likely constitute a giant temptation. Without it you cannot buy or sell and will be beheaded. With it, you can have all freedom to sin, your property, privileges, your family and all. Nobody can get the MARK unless he worships and obeys SATAN.

Some teach that the final punishment for devil people ends in their final and complete destruction (cease to exist).  


God teaches (Rev 14:11) that “the smoke of their torment ascended up for ever and ever; and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the Beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name”. The punishment for evil is eternal. They cannot die to escape.

Well becomes, children of Satan!

Michael to intercede; time of trouble such as never was before (Dan 12:1-2), during three and a half years; many will resurrect (physical body given?) to happiness or perdition. They will fly? Contrary to some pastors predictions?

A 144 000 of Isaiah type prophets, composed of 12 000 Jews from each Jewish tribe, will go forth to preach the Messiah.

SIXTH TRUMPET (Rev 9: 13): Releasing the four fallen KILLER ANGELS, bound at Euphrates, to kill one third of humanity. An Army of 200 million soldiers (could also be 200 million Demons or Nephilim) is launched.

Info of Seven Thunders will be kept secret. Is it something the Devils should not know? Right now, they believe that all additional evil, all the EVIL they may want, is free for them. Perhaps, Father God intends additional payment, for them, for every additional evil?

Promise of no more delay (“time no longer”). Little book of prophecy released (eaten). Gentiles (pagans) to control outer court (of temple) for 42 months. The TWO WITNESSES prophesy during 1260 days. Earthquake destroys one tenth of Jerusalem, killing 7000.

God told Adam and Eve that they would surely die. EVERYBODY has died since, except ENOCH and ELIJAH. I think, these two are coming back to die, as the Two Witnesses. When God says something, it is LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN. Observe every word, every letter. Use ONLY an Old King James Bible or translate directly from Greek Tx. Receptus. All modern language Bibles have been mutilated now by disguised Luciferians. Observe Bible Mutilation and evidence for God’s Signature in (under “More” on bar).


Angels gather GRAPES (probably Satan’s evil children) into the winepress. A lake of blood results (Rev 14:18).

Seven angels with seven last plagues (Rev 16:2-1)

Judgment of the religion of SAMIRABIS (called Babylon) and her Idols, (symbol is woman drunken with the blood of saints; lying and pretending to be a refuge and salvation – and a pantheon of demons with SUN DISK behind their heads). This observance continues from the time of Babylon, Greece and Rome into today’s giant religions (Rev 17:4-20).

“Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and receive not of her plagues” (Rev 18:4). “In her was found the blood of prophets and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the Earth” (Rev18:24). Sixty four MILLION true Christians were tortured to death or burned at the stake (customary sacrifice to Satan) by these nice people and their fake Vicar of Christ, during the last 600 years. Some estimate twice that number were murdered, as they refused to deny the Biblical Christ Jesus.

In spite of ROME, much gospel leaked among the population, producing some very wonderful Christians among the lost, during the last 17 hundred years.

 SEVENTH TRUMPET (Rev 11:15}. The kingdoms of the World are become the kingdoms of our Lord”. The Twenty Four Elders.

Our Savior is seen on white horse (Rev 19:11), faithful and true. The horse is a symbol of power, authority and conquest.

Four horses (symbolically) already preceded this event. The first was a WHITE horse – an imposter (Roman Catholicism, as false Christ, started in 4th century AD). This was followed by the RED horse of bloody Masonic revolutions (18th to 20th century, AD). Today we are in the temporada of the Masonic BLACK horse, an economic horse, and possibly entering the final era, entering the beginning of the PALE horse, the period of DEATH. The Luciferians have been telling and advertising this for a long time, that there are far too many people on this planet, more than they need or want.

The entrance of Yehoshua (Christ) signifies the very end of the Antichrist, his Beast and all Luciferians.

Satan is bound for a thousand years. Rev 20:1-3. This is the First Resurrection (Rev 20:5). The rest of the dead re not resurrected until the 1000 years are over.

That appears to be an event separate from Rapture (snatching away Gods Church). It may include all saved by Christ, from the very beginning. Resurrection implies a new physical body. The dead already have the spiritual body. What would additional resurrection mean? Without a physical body, physical instrumentality may be impossible. A spirit (spiritual body) passes right through matter.

Some might think that it may be a bit drab in heaven or on earth? God lives in a different reality. The Father told us:

 "The ear has not heard, and no eye has ever seen, neither can man even imagine the HAPPINESS which God prepared for those who love him" (1 Cor. 2:9, paraphrased, if you please).

After the 1000 years Satan is released to exhibit again his nature and will. He brings forth another rebellion, leads his people into death and eternal hell, prepared for all evil.

Those who have overcome the temptations of Satan, will become SONS of Alpha and Omega (Christ, their God), abiding in New Jerusalem, which is sent by the hand of Father God.

Our wonderful SAVIOR, who suffered for you and loves you with infinite love, speaks to you and me, TODAY:

 (Rev 22:10-13)

11He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

12And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

13I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

When our Lord comes to help us, He will come very quickly, SUDDENLY. Read about the 10 virgins coming to the Wedding Supper (Rapture). Making ready will be too late. Live ready. Those who love Him, do. For Rapture God comes SUDDENLY, no seven year countdown. As King of Kings the Lord does not come rapidly, but with a seven year countdown.

Some say, the 5 virgins, short of fuel-oil, lacked the Holy Spirit. I don’t think so. The Holy Spirit does not save. Only FAITH in Christ Jesus saves. Faith gives light unto this world. A lamp is to give light. The fuel is FAITH in Christ – faith in who He is, why He came, what He says.

With infinite love God gave us a Savior, to pay our penalty and a Bible, a guide and light on our path! The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you.

Men are not lost because they are sinners; THEY ARE LOST BECAUSE THEY HAVE REJECTED THE JESUS OF THE BIBLE, who died for them. If you are not yet completely committed to Christ, know that our Savior needs to be invited. He is a gentleman. He knocks on the door of your heart (innermost being). Everybody can have the other one (Satan) automatically; that one never knocks. He pushes his way.


If you do this, and mean it, with an open heart, this prayer will never fail. It will become the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. Even in this life it will be the greatest happiness you'll know, and a light upon your path. Conversely, to FAIL in this, it will be the GREATEST DISASTER you will ever have, both here and hereafter.

Something most especial is waiting for those who seek the immense goodness of our Lord. God Himself said, that "The ear has not heard, and no eye has ever seen, neither can man even imagine the HAPPINESS which God prepared for those who love him" (1 Cor. 2:9, paraphrased, if you please).


This commentary started with Rev 8 and the beginning of TRUMPETS. But Gods Revelations start with Rev 1. Still curious? Behold.

The focal point of the entire Bible is the church (the saved) of God, the SAVIOR Christ Jesus and His Church. After the third chapter of Revelations there is NO MORE CHURCH. What happened? Where did it go?

But there is, in Chapter Three (the last chapter dealing with the church), a promise of God to remove His church.

Rev 3:10 (King James ONLY- passage is mutilated in modern “bibles”)

“Because thou hast kept the Word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth”.

The WORD OF PATIENCE IS THE BIBLE. How do YOU keep it? This is the promise of RAPTURE, to keep YOU FROM the horrors, a promise by Christ Jesus. Observe “Rapture Anytime”, click on , under SURPRISE,  (name 9, on BAR).

Revelation Chapter Six presents the FOUR HORSES of Satan. These are the FOUR HORSES described earlier.

Rev 6:13 (observe the symbolic math, six is evil, 13 is abomination), the “stars of heaven fall unto the earth”. These are devils thrown out of heaven, to earth.

Rev 6:15-17 Describes the coming end of all Luciferians. Look it up. It’s exciting.


Studying God’s message use only a King James Bible or translate directly from Greek Tx Receptus. There is also a CONCORDANCE available for the King James Version. There is no such thing available for any other Version.

The Tx. Receptus contains more than 500 original surviving manuscripts, which agree 99.47 % with each other.

All modern language “bibles” have by now been mutilated by the Luciferians. Observe Bible Mutilation, (click) on , under “More” on Bar.

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