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The Last Ditch

by Rev. Will. Harrison Jr.  
10/19/2006 / Christian Living

This Word is for whosoever is appointed to hear from the Spirit of God about this. It may be you, ask God.

In these last days we are told that the devil will be literally throwing everything he has in his arsenal at us 24/7 more than we or anyone else has ever experienced before. And I mean a round the clock, even in our sleep if that it what he decides will work for him in our individual case. [ see Daniel 7:21, and Rev.13:7 ] This will be his Last Ditch attempt to take us down, [ Rev.12:12 ] but the Bible, which is also Jesus to us, has promised that IF we will do and be certain ways and certain things then he will be there for us exactly as wonderfully and miraculously as he was for the children of Israel in Egypt when Moses was leading the people out. [ see Exodus ch.8 & 9 ] Awesome.

Our desire is NOT to seek the Lord just simply all the time for every problem for relief from these things, although there will be times when, if you seek him so, He will direct you to not take such and such from the devil and pray and speak His promises according to that leading. But there also will be many times, probably more than youd like, when He will simply want you to patiently wait on him and for him, stand your ground, do not waver in your faith and testimony, endure hardness like a good soldier [ 2 Tim. 2:3 ], do not whine, or complain, nor tell others how awful it is or saying well, I dont have to like it. Maybe we dont have to like it, maybe its not wrong to dislike it, but its also not wrong to not dislike it. Temptation will be huge and terrible during these times, but not able to utterly destroy you IF you will seek the Lord and stop playing with Life.

Jesus was heard saying one time that satan comes to tempt me but he has nothing in me. [ John 14:30 ] The devil can tempt anyone who was born of Adam because he can find whatever he needs to work with within our fallen nature. That doesnt mean we are hypocrites or faking our Christian conversion. It doesnt mean we are living in sin or not having confessed and repented over something. This certainly may be the case in someones life but it has little to do with whether or not the person can be tempted of the devil. He uses the old, corrupt, fallen, earthly, carnal, Adamic programming and instincts in us to concoct a temptation.

And in these final hours of the last days he has been and will continue to do so until the last second literally unleashing a flood, a torrent, even a tsunami of filth and lies and deceptions, and fears, trials, failures, tragedies, illnesses, and whatever will work for him in your life. I know of personally and have also heard of even for a few years now, literally thousands [and thats just in my life] of born again Christians under this assault from hell, so to speak. Every demon, devil, unclean spirit, and every dark wicked evil ruler and principality is literally working overtime and at top speed to be successful in this mission of theirs. Throwing every thing they have at us and mankind on the earth. Helping his own but of course denying us.

Why are they doing this. What mission are they trying to accomplish. The Bible says that he [the devil] is full of rage and fury because he has been cast out of the heavenly realms and thrown to the earth and he knows he has only a short time left. [ Rev. 12:12 ] Well why doesnt he just throw in the towel, as the saying goes if he knows its almost over and hes heard all of the sermons about what is going to happen to him. Why does he pester us unless he knows he can cause whosoever will let him, to fall away [ 2 Thess. 2:3 ] as Jesus said through the Apostle Paul. Would you? Maybe not. And he wont either. Some have said that its because he has been made to believe his own lies and that being that he believes he is actually going to win. Whatever the case may actually be, one thing we know for sure is that Jesus said that one of his reasons for this behavior of the devil is because he is trying to destroy and cause to give up and give in and go back to their old life in Adam as many as he can. Plus, I believe it is also like a blind rage against us who have sinned yet are being given the Kingdom, and he sinned and is going to the Lake of Fire, stripped of his original angelic powers. Could be.

One of the things Im getting at here in this article is that right now, someone you know and it may even be you as well, is fully under this indescribably huge assault on their thoughts, dreams, emotions, feelings, reactions, responses, beliefs, views and values, sanity, relationships, health, employment, all manner of your health both physical, and mental, etc. and so on. And its not going to end until youre safe in the arms of the Father in Heaven. Believe me and believe the Word of God. Doesnt the Bible also tell us that it is a joy-filled privilege to suffer for the Lord, in this life, in our bodies, our souls, etc. and so on.

BUT, the Bible and the Holy Spirit of the Lord also have and still do give us methods, techniques, ways, to properly and effectively and wonderfully cope with and deal with these things. Ive tried them even on the limited scale Ive experienced and I can tell you, THEY WORK. But your flesh man, the devil, the world, any many other forces will desperately try to stop you, but if you can just find perseverance in your trusting in God and not look to anything inside of yourself, as the new agers and others teach, and look instead to the Lord in his high places, youll be amazed. I mean it. Are you right now in the habit of doing so? The Lord knows.

You notice I didnt say work hard at getting understanding and insight as to all of the whys. Thats because He wants us to just simply trust in what His Word says, and what the Holy Spirit is leading and saying. Just, simply. Period. What you have been used to relying on will be utterly empty anyways. No other choices now.

Saint, the Bible is clear, faithfully crystal clear, that the main reason the Lord is allowing this incredibly violent and unrelenting, irrepressible onslaught from every demon, devil, and unclean spirit and all of this fallen world as well, to take place is so that we will be forced and compelled, through desperation, and no other options and choices, to depend only and entirely, upon the promises of the Lord in His Word, the Bible, and the Blessed Holy Spirit, His Blood, Stripes, Cross, etc. Period. You either get very familiar with those things As soon as possible or you could be a casualty, along with your loved ones. Husband, your wife and maybe children will suffer terribly if you are not able to provide them the necessary spiritual leadership and example they need at this critical time. And you wont be able to if you havent been ready for those times ahead of time, like NOW.

Pray like you have never prayed before. Pray with desperation yet not freaking out panic and terror. Lament, travail, put away the fishing equipment, the toys, etc. exactly the way you would do if a tornado or flood were to come to your neighborhood. If you still wanted then to go out and play, you probably wouldnt be able to find anyone else to want to. And if you did, he wont be able to help you when you need it. Youre supposed to be helping him. This applies to men and women, girls and boys as well. Pray humbly before the Lord. Say to Him, Almighty God and Father of all living, Lord Jesus my Savior and deliverer, and protector, and you precious Holy Spirit, sent from the Father, through Jesus, to me and all of us, I need you right now and my household, more than ever before. I need your ministry to me, your comfort, your heavenly peace, I have none of my own. I seem right now to have nothing of my own to rely on, except you, you are mine also. I cannot even seem to trust my own instincts or sanity or common sense. Help me to do as I should and need to starting right now and every moment of every day. I dont want to be ashamed of myself when you come for me. I dont want to let you down or others who may be watching me or depending on me. Help me, help us, I wait on you.

A big part of what I was given to say is that there is coming to many of the Saints, you believers, a time of trial and testing that you have not yet experienced, and it is the kind that has the ability to wear you down and take you out, as they say. If you are not in the habit moment by moment, daily, in communing with the Lord, in the way the Bible describes, not the way churches say to, this testing can be so strong that it can make you fall away from the Lord. And in falling away literally drag many others, including even loved ones as well as others. If you are not in that habit I urge you, I implore you, I plead with you, drop whatever it is you are doing instead of this habit, and start it now and follow through with it more than you ever could any weight loss diet program you might try. It literally is a matter of life and death.

Keep in mind, that the forgiveness, peace, healings & deliverances of the soul, restorations, and every other benefit of the promises of God In Christ Jesus are provided but not automatically applied without following the correct paths of acknowledgement, confession, repentance, remorse, the Cross & the Blood, seeking & waiting on the Lord, etc. and so on. As soon as you do so about everything that is shown to you as an issue between you & the Lord bang It is finished, and then you must stay in that place until He comes for you and I. The pressure and distractions and confusions, and so forth at that time, will be so intense, so strong, so powerful, that it will be literally sweeping people away in a deluge of stuff and it will be a horrific tragedy.

As I said, I know of many Christians who have been under such an assault for a very long time and it not only is constantly being adjusted, so to speak, from one kind to another, there is no sign of any letup soon. But much to the devils dismay, there are also very many of them that are learning from the Spirit of God, how to quickly and effectively deal with each and every single temptation, thought, lie, intimidation, fear, harassment, etc. and to actually walk in joy and peace way more often that the devil would like. And I believe that one of the reasons also why God does it all this way is to show us off, so to speak, to the devil, both as a return shot to the head, and even in his face.

Remember the Big IFs. [ see Hebrews ch.2: vs.2,3, & ch.3:vs.6,7,14,15, & ch.6:vs.6 & ch.10:vs.26, 38, & ch.12:25, & 1 Peter ch.1:vs.6,7, & ch.4:vs.16-18, & 2 Peter ch.2:all of it, & 1 John ch.1:vs.6-10, & many more ]

Rev. Will. Harrison Jr. Minister since late seventies, living with disabilities, married with children, should not have been saved. Former white & blue collar businessman. President and Founder LifeBuilders Ministry

Article Source: WRITERS

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