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What is the difference between Godly Counsel and Ungodly Counsel?

by lareina morgan  
1/29/2022 / Christian Living

 Proverbs 12:15

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.



You need to know the difference between Godly and Ungodly counsel. The first place to find the wisdom of God is in His Word. If you do not read the bible, you are sorely lacking in wisdom and Godly counsel.


This is why the Lord inspired His Word to be written - He needed people in the world who would live according to His standards, and we needed something tangible that we could refer to when looking for Godly inspiration in our lives...


Success in God's eyes is discovering the will of God for your life and then following His will for your life.


Those who walk away from the will of God will find themselves compromising their moral integrity - they can be bought with money, power, and being able to influence other people to do the same - this is the devil's agenda to silence the people of God and to lessen our influence on the world; this is why the world is getting darker every day...


Do not spend time with scoffers who scorn God, Jesus and His Word; you will never convince them to believe in something so good because they have no respect for what is real, true and good in the world.


Ungodly Counsel:


-appeals to our fleshly desires

-is self-centered and focuses upon the person's will and purpose for their life

-tells us what we want to believe even if it is not true

-is based upon deception and lays the path for our destruction

-contradicts the Word of God


Godly Counsel:


-appeals to our spiritual development

-is god centered and focuses upon the will of God for the purpose of our lives

-tells us what is true in God's eyes and in His Wisdom

-lays in the path of righteousness forever with lasting peace and prosperity

-lines up perfectly with the Word of God


Walk in the path set before you in the Lord and continue to stand upon His Word

from the true world of God Blog

Article Source: WRITERS

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