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EYE OF OUR FAITH: Calling Out UnGodly Policies

by linzy bruno  
1/18/2023 / Prophecy




1). IN SCHOOLS: The CRT curriculum and 'gender identity' have taken center stage in our public schools. These so-called educational trends come straight from Satan’s playbook and are actually only concerned with mass indoctrination of the youth of America into believing the woke mob and their convoluted and wicked agenda.

2).THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY: Doctor Fauci was recently recorded saying, “We should no longer do autopsies.” Gee, I wonder why he wouldn’t want them anymore? Could it be because depopulation is what’s really behind this idea? Moreover, the vaccine cannot be believed or trusted, especially when they have changed the definition of what a vaccine is in the dictionary. This is due to their desire to kill, but Satan does come only to kill, steal and destroy, so why should we be surprised. They are straight up lying for the purpose of genocide. As Bill Gates said back in 2015 or 16, “We need to depopulate the world.” OF course there have been many other evils that have been going on for years, like Big Pharma for example; avoiding educating the public on inexpensive and/or natural remedies, while flooding the media with ads on prescription drugs, so patients will rely on them.

3). OUR GOVERNMENT:  Ultimately, freedom as we know it today will become eradicated; the world will see complete and utter tyranny here in the USA....

Legislators recently signed a bill into law that says in Illinois, if someone breaks into your home, forget about calling the police; it is no longer the law, so they no longer need to be involved. And, of course the defunding of the police comes straight from the evil one; the sharp increase in crime we’ve been seeing is proof of that. Furthermore, they are so desperate to take away our rights and make our lives miserable; possibly even unsustainable that they are planning to take away our gas stoves; using the excuse that it aggravates or causes asthma. This may not go into effect right now, but gas stove owners are wise to beware. And the fact that they are even talking about this and putting those reports on the local news is appalling.

Moreover, they are working now on taking away Social Security benefits. Once again, we have no reason to fear or panic; our rescue will come at the perfect moment, however, this lead-up to the tribulation is mind-blowing to note. Our leaders have been leading us into nothing but planned financial disaster and now they want to make the poor and the vulnerable pay for the fallout caused by their reckless policies.

God will either take us out before they can implement this one or get us through on an individual basis. Clearly there will be no new governmental services available, that is until they implement their Robin Hood, steal from the rich to give to the poor policy that will be kicked off just prior to or during the tribulation. This new (and digital) system will use an equal distribution of income; depriving those who are hardworking and earn decent livings of their wealth and forcing them to be responsible for the less fortunate, even if they refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

Notwithstanding, we know God will take care of us;(our rescue IS coming!) It’s still quite helpful to know what’s coming and have this understanding of the Last Days, so that if we do see some of these things begin to affect our lives, we can remain steadfast and hear the Wisdom of the Lord and be amazed at His Guidance and Provision in our distress, especially knowing how temporary it will be!

Further to this end, when we know what’s going to happen in advance, we can warn those we know who are most vulnerable; particularly those who are not ready for what’s coming and will not have benefit of Godly Discernment and Knowledge. Not to mention, this can be used as proof of God’s Word and perhaps help some lost souls find salvation! All who know these truths through Godly discernment can witness to these things and, consequently, align these wicked developments with Scripture. In this case it all comes under the heading of “lawlessness.” (Matthew 7:23 & 24:12)

Furthermore, it’s ALWAYS better to be ‘in the know.’ We can’t expect to win in a fight if we don’t know who our enemies are or what they have planned.

4). FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS: But as bad as the American government has been treating Americans, foreign countries are much, much worse and will continue to worsen. The tyranny in other lands is heading our way and the wars on foreign soil will head to American soil; not to mention the political wars and all of their other lies and hypocrisy!

The diabolical plan to depopulate the world IS A GLOBAL ONE. Bill Gates may be leading the charge, but there are many from the W.E.F working with him to accomplish this evil and wicked goal, in which they continue to make blatantly clear.

Quite recently, in Canada, they have implemented assisted suicides for pretty much anyone who decides they want out of this life, even the under aged. Instead of providing counselling and watching that person’s every move to keep them safe, they have decided to forgo this universal moral compass, much of the world has always, seemed at least to follow.

They are also making 'smart cities,' that they also refer to as 'the line' or '15 minute cities' in Saudi Arabia and 'camps' are being built in Europe under the pretense of the best interest of the citizens, but are really designed to house people in the New World Order, when people will “own nothing and be happy.” These places are being designed to keep us under their control, NOT to keep us safe…in fact, just the opposite, to do us great harm.

A time is coming quickly when people will be stripped of every human right and dignity. The elites will control every morsel we eat, how much garbage we’re allowed to create and how much gas we are allowed in our cars. They are calling this keeping track of “carbon emission” and soon everyone will have a card that will eventually be inside their body, (as part of the merging of man and machine, which will enable them to implement the Mark of the Beast.) And for those who drive an electric car, you are not safe from their control either; they will simply cut off your access to charging your vehicle.

5). Klaus Schwab’s excuse of ‘climate change’ is a lie designed to manipulate the masses. All of the elites know it and are looking forward to absolute, global totalitarian control. And this lie is probably the main one in which they will rely heavily upon to meet this extraordinarily evil goal.

They are literally piling it on, evil on top of evil, on top of evil, and it will not end until JESUS comes back to set up His Millennial kingdom!


 “America” is now in a list of politically incorrect terminology, along with others like: fireman and congresswoman and the ever popular ‘you guys,’ because of gender specific connotations. This political correctness will infiltrate society and influence the masses, much like when Elizabeth Warren announced that “from now on everyone must be addressed in accordance with their preferred pronouns!” Although not a policy per say, this unbelievable development comes under the banner of the topic discussed here…..

NOTE: Every statement made here is verifiable.


--Various news outlets from both red and blue, plus independent news outlets, like Redacted

--A multitude of Prophecy teachers and students, like: J.D. Farag, Tom Hughes and Chad Thomas from Watchman on the wall 88

--The Prophetic and other relatable Scripture, like: Matthew 18:6 & 24:12, Genesis 5:2, 2:24 &1:28, Acts 5:29, Deuteronomy 32:8, Amos 4:7, Job 10:13, Isaiah 5:20 & 1Peter 5:8






Linzy has been writing for many years; seriously since her 3 kids were still young and inspirational. She has taken 2 courses in Bible studies and completed "Four Soils" Bible study course in a 26-month period; earning her certification in Bible Counselling.

Article Source: WRITERS

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