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by Rachel Jamerson  
10/02/2023 / Teen Issues

Great change has taken place on our planet during the last century.  From horse and buggy days to walking on the moon. As society changes our way of life changes also. Children today would be totally lost in the world their grandparents lived in. In a world without Television, radio, telephones, or cars, the loss of cell phones alone would send most people into a panic!

Increased knowledge has resulted in discoveries, and inventions, that have transformed our world. The way people think, and live today, makes It difficult to even imagine living as our ancestors did. Change is inevitable and, in most cases, results in a great improvement in our way of life. However, there is one thing that does not change and that is the Creator of our universe. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

The object of this article is to explore the way our young people view God today and how and why that may have changed over the years. In an effort to understand the change, I have interviewed a variety of young adults as to their views and convictions concerning the matter. My question to them is “What do you believe about a higher power and why do you believe it.”

The one change in beliefs I have found to be the most prominent and perhaps the greatest factor is the question of absolutes. According to the Oxford Dictionary, an absolute is a value or principle which is regarded as universally valid, or which may be viewed without relation to other things. Something that exists without being dependent on anything else, ultimate reality.  One might refer to an absolute as truth.

In a world where truth is subjective, based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions, there are no absolutes. The interpretation of anything is the opinion or belief of that particular individual.  Everyone has opinions about everything; in such cases, there is no standard of measure or process that enables comparing one product or service with another. The world is full of facts and realities we can learn and should, however, when opinion is presented as fact the results can be disastrous.

One of the answers I received from those interviewed was “There are lots of gods and lots of religions it would not be fair to focus on just one.” You can readily see why there is so much confusion concerning “God.”

In the past when our grandparents were young, they knew very little about any other God than that of the Christian religion.  They didn’t have television or modern-day modes of transportation therefore their knowledge was somewhat limited.  Since America was considered a Christian nation, naturally that is mainly what they knew. It was much easier for them to believe an uncontested belief.

 Today our young people are bombarded with religious beliefs their parents did not know or teach them about.  As a result, they have come to question what they believe. The same can be said of children of other nations. For the most part, children believe what their parents believe.  However, there will come a time in their development when they question, as they should, what they have been taught.

Many young adults today view the scriptures as old and unreliable. Many don’t know what the Ten Commandments are. Some feel they are guidelines but feel anything is permissible as long as it does not infringe on anyone else.  As for morals, they believe they are a matter of personal perspective.

Prayer is viewed much the same. However, some say they use it only when they have no control over their circumstances.

In view of the above, it is understandable that many young people question the existence of God and have very little interest in getting to know Him.

Perhaps the most damaging thing our children have been taught is ‘there are no absolutes.” In view of this belief, there is no need to search for truth – for there is no absolute truth. Everyone does what is right in their own eyes.  However, there are many absolutes, both good and evil, and we all owe it to ourselves to question our beliefs and those of others. Anything, including religious beliefs, is not yours until you consciously choose them as your own.

Absolute truth: everyone will die, and no living individual has firsthand knowledge of what happens then. Our lives are a sum total of the choices we make.

If you genuinely search for truth, you will find it. After becoming a Christian, my desire to write and quest for answers were dedicated to understanding God?s message to man. What exactly was He saying and why were there so many different interpretations? As a result, I became an avid student of scripture.

God gave me the desire to learn, research, study and write all of which I enjoy. When you can plainly see the path God has set before you it becomes easier to overcome the obstacles placed by the enemy. The scriptures are a light for your pathway. If you desire to know the truth, you will and the truth will set you free from bondage.

Article Source: WRITERS

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