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by Olawale Ogunsola  
10/04/2023 / Christian Apologetics

I have opened a Facebook account for some years now but I have not been active much. Recently, I have to be because there is a necessity to support a vision given to a man of God.

It is part of my ministry to support another Ministry or a Minister of God in my little ways. This was at the back of my mind and I became more active on Facebook.

By doing so, I was restricted for three hours. A few days later, I was also restricted for about six hours. Some days later, I was restricted for six days. During the time of restriction, there were certain things that I used to do but which were not possible for me because of the restrictions.

One sad thing about the restrictions was that I didn't know why. Since then, I have reduced the rate at which I share every write-up, video, or audio message because I think this could be the major reason. Since that time, all things have been going on smoothly. Do you know what? If I had not been restricted, I may not have brought my zeal under control.

Freedom is very good in all circumstances but uncontrolled freedom is dangerous. In a society where anyone can do anything as and when he likes is at great risk. Confusion will reign supreme because there will be no orderliness. Norm, custom, and culture will be non-existent. This will not speak well of a decent society.

This is the reason the government puts certain laws and regulations in place for all and sundry to obey. Each lawbreaker is brought to book for correctional purposes. Such a person will become a refined individual to be restored into the society.

Beloved, if mankind is wise enough to put laws and instructions in place to run a society smoothly and to have peace, should not God do the same for His Kingdom candidates?

Since creation, the Lord gave man total freedom to live in the garden of absolute comfort but He restricted him to stay away from a forbidden fruit that could create confusion and great trouble for them. As long as he, Adam, and his wife, Eve obeyed God, all things went well; between them and God, between each other and other living things. As soon as they broke the law of the Lord, all things fell apart. The status changed and did so forever.

As it was, so it is and so will it be.

For orderliness to be in place, the Lord gave the Jews ten commandments to observe and these were supported with other specific miscellaneous instructions for different aspects of human dealings for sanity to be in place. When they obeyed them, they lived in peace. Anytime they went against the laws and regulations, troubles came to them.

That was the reason God instructed Joshua when he took over the mantle of leadership "1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have success." Joshua. (King James Version).

Beloved, are you a candidate of the Kingdom of God? How close are you to the Constitution of the Kingdom, the Holy Bible? How obedient are you to the content of this most valuable Constitution? There is no way you will not benefit from reading and observing what you read from it. It will bring prosperity and success to you. Beloved, how often do you obey specific instructions the Spirit of God gives to guide you in the journey of life? Your obedience is proof that you are on the right way into Paradise.

If you are obedient, continue to be, if you are selective of which law or instructions to obey, this is dangerous. It will not be of any value to you. Pray as you read your Holy Bible to follow all the leading contained therein and it shall be well with you. Stay blessed and prepared for the imminent coming of the Lord.

Scripture references:
Genesis chapters 1-3; Exodus chapter 20, Leviticus chapters 1-5, Joshua chapter 1; John 14:21.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

Article Source: WRITERS

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