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Great Sufferings Brings Great Transformations

by lareina morgan  
11/07/2023 / Christian Living


 Phiippians chapter 4:13


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


The greatest compliment that someone could ever give is that they knew you for a long time, and in all of that time, they always noticed that you were a kind and honest person. Too many people are focused upon becoming rich and powerful. Being rich and powerful in this world never lasts forever. It is your love for Jesus Christ and your faithfulness that impresses God.


When we suffer, Jesus suffers along with us, because He lives in our hearts. He guides our actions through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are free to live for Jesus, or to live for ourselves, but no one is free from the influence of the devil and his demons unless they are a believer in Jesus Christ.


God allows great sufferings in our lives so that it may produce great transformations. We are transformed when we allow the Holy Spirit to calm our fears and bring peace into what seems to be a hopeless situation. When we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, He brings victory out of all of our messes.


When we come to Him first with all of our problems, He will guide us to the right solution. He will stay with us in the storm and will protect us until the storm is no more. We may cry or suffer for our righteous acts. Someone may try to hurt us or destroy our reputations. The illness may seem to get worse before it gets better, but the Prince of Peace will be there to give us joy and a measure of faith so that we will never give up.


The victory is certain when Jesus is involved in the solution. We will shout and praise His name after we receive what was promised to us in His word. No one will be able to take away what He has freely given, we just need to trust the process and allow Him to work it all out for our good and for His Glory - His love never ends...

from the true world of God Blog

Article Source: WRITERS

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