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Begin With Yourself

by Olawale Ogunsola  
6/20/2024 / Relationships

Mankind was not created to live a lonely life. Loneliness is the worst of all diseases. It kills slowly, steadily, and surely. Not only that, it initiates other dangerous diseases into a man's body system. It leads to complications in a man's body system which can later end in death.

The Creator, God, knows the importance of companionship which is the reason he created a woman. He said "It is not good" for a man to dwell alone, Genesis 2:18. That remains the beginning of a human relationship with one another.

In relationships, one dimension introduced by the enemy of mankind, Satan, is conflict. Almost all relationships experience one form of conflict or another. This takes place at different times in the journey of human interactions. In many cases, it seems as if it has become inevitable.

Conflicts have come to stay in relationships, this is no longer a new story or strange but what matters most is the way people involved in a relationship handle every feud that ensues between them. It is central to the continuity of such dealings. A wrong or violent reaction can put a permanent stop to any relationship.

Do you know that the most grave offense in life, I think, is one that destroys a man's relationship with the Lord his God? This was the first that brought conflict into human relationships. The wife fed her husband with a forbidden food that separated him from his Creator. Things drastically changed for the man, details are contained in Genesis chapter three. One great lesson to learn is that the first man, Adam did not call it quits with her wife. He may have protested her wrongdoing but it is not on record. Let it be pointed out here also that there is no place in the Holy Bible where it is written that Eve repeatedly did the same wrong. The relationship continued until they breathed their last.

What then should you do if you are involved in a conflict brewing in your relationship?

Beloved, it is better to start with yourself. Begin to examine yourself faithfully and with all sincerity of purpose. Find out if you are the originator of the rift or not. If you can fix yourself as the Initiator of the confusion, do everything to eliminate it. After all, you remember how you started it. Humble yourself to plead with those who need to be appeased.

David in his trouble did this when his relationship with King Saul became sour. He told his bosom friend, Jonathan, the son of King Saul.
“What have I done?” he exclaimed. “What is my crime? How have I offended your father that he is so determined to kill me?” 1 Samuel 20:1.

Young David was sure of himself that he had done nothing wrong to the King deserving of death. Are you also free of any charges against you in the rift taking place in your relationship?

Not only that, you may not be the author of the confusion in your relationship but you need to watch for any way by which you have fuelled the feud. You may have contributed in one way or the other to elongate the lifespan of the conflict ensuing in your dealings with others. If you know how you have done this, retreat from now onwards.

Be humble enough to seek peace with those with whom you have to deal with. They may be ready to be hard on you because of what you have done to them, seek a way to reconcile with them or him.

Peace is essential to a healthy relationship. However, it is fragile or easily broken. It therefore needs to be handled with care. It is equally on its feet to flee, so, it should be pursued and retained. May the Lord continue to give you wisdom and boldness to sustain your relationship with the Lord and your fellow men in the name of Jesus Christ.
Stay blessed and prepared for the imminent coming of the Lord.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

Article Source: WRITERS

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