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Be Fruitful (Part 2)

by Olawale Ogunsola  
7/17/2024 / Christian Apologetics

Be Fruitful (Part 2)*

"1:22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth." Genesis 1.

On the fifth day of the creation of Heaven and Earth, it was the turn of creatures that occupied waters and winged fowls to occupy their places.

The opening verse of this piece contains the instructions passed on to the living creatures. It was the same given to human beings in verse twenty-eight of the same chapter. That is to be fruitful or "productive".

This simply means that the Lord never created anything to be useless. He wants everything and everyone to be useful for certain purposes.

The blessings are equivalent to instruction because every living creature has been endowed with the ability to be fruitful. They cannot fail to be fruitful because that was the reason for their creation. Do you wonder why this is so? Each of them has different roles and times to bring forth fruits. You can call it, "the productive" period.

Any proof of this from the Holy Bible? In the book of Jonah, when the man of God "fled" from the face of the Lord. He joined those men on their way to Tarshish. When trouble came to the ship he was identified as the root cause of the trouble. He recommended the way to solve the problem, which was, "Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea;". Jonah 1:12.

When this was done to him, a fish played the part of a host to him for three days. If you call the fish a boat, or something like that, you are not wrong. At the end of the day, He carried Jonah to the beach of Nineveh where sinners were expecting his words of repentance. The fish was productive. It was of great use in the hand of its Creator. The fishes have been of great and different uses to the Lord.

Do you remember the story of Jesus Christ, Peter, and the payment of tribute money? Neither Jesus Christ nor Peter was liable to pay it as sons. They were free from such payment. However, to satisfy those looking for an opportunity to accuse them of wrongdoing, the Lord instructed Peter to go and "withdraw" their tribute money from the mouth of the first fish that makes itself available. He did so successfully. A fish was fruitful or productive! Should mankind be of no use or unfruitful to the Lord? This ought not to be so.

During famine in the land of Israel when King Ahab was in power, a bird was brought in to feed Prophet Elijah for many months before the assignment was transferred to a widow in the city of Zarephath.

If birds can be of valuable use in the hand of the Lord, mankind must be more fruitful in His hand.

Beloved Pilgrim, as one of His own, please be not only fruitful but be more each day. Do not rely on your past fruits but bear new ones. Make yourself always available for use in the hand of the Lord. He will be happy with you and reward you bountifully.
Stay blessed and prepared for the imminent coming of the Lord.

Other Scripture  references:
1 Kings Chapter 17: 1-10.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

Article Source: WRITERS

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