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A Christmas Farewell
by Paula Titus
12/29/2007 / Poetry
Packages of golden are seen no more,
The carolers silence their hymns.
Mistletoe no longer adorns the door,
One twinkle by one, the lights grow dim.
Christmas farewell rings bittersweet,
Oh to reach back in time!
I'd grasp every moment still incomplete
And forever make it mine.
But then His Spirit whispers low,
"Be of good cheer my beloved bride!
Greater than this I shall forever bestow
On the day I take you aside."
My soul awakens and I remember,
It's not really farewell at all!
For after the close of every December
His blessings continue to fall.
Paula Titus is an administrative assistant by day, freelance writer by night. She also writes articles for and is an avid blogger. With coffee racing through her veins, she eagerly tackles each day, one word at a time. Check out Paula's blog: http://mywritefulplace.blogspot
Article Source: WRITERS
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The two last lines of your poem carry a lot of meaning, Paula. Very nicely written! 2020-10-20 |
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