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by Sheri Gordon  
2/26/2008 / Death

Please don't tell me that I'm going to be okay,
Or that "God's ways are higher than our ways."
I will not hear you.

Please just sit with me,
Listen to me,
Cry with me.

Please don't tell me that God is in control,
Or quote me Bible verses.
I will only put up walls.

Please just sit with me,
Listen to me,
Cry with me.

Please don't tell me that "time heals all wounds,"
Or that "God works everything for good."
I don't need Christian platitudes.

Please just sit with me,
Listen to me,
Cry with me.

Please don't tell me "they're in a better place,"
Or "you'll get to be with them again in God's glory."
I will only get angry.

Please just sit with me,
Listen to me,
Cry with me.

Please don't tell me that one day I'll have a great testimony,
Or I'll be able to help others who suffer the same loss.
I don't care about helping others right now.

Please just sit with me,
Listen to me,
Cry with me.

Please don't tell me you know how I feel,
Or you understand what I'm going through.
Only I know what I'm going through.

Please just sit with me,
Listen to me,
Cry with me.

Please don't tell me something good will come from this,
Or that others may come to know Jesus because of this.
I will shut down, and turn away.

Please just sit with me,
Listen to me,
Cry with me.

Please don't tell me the hurting will become less intense,
Or the gut-wrenching ache will fade away.
I feel only my pain.

Please just sit with me,
Listen to me,
Cry with me.

Please don't say anything,
Just sit with me,
Listen to me,
Cry with me.

Sheri is a Christian, wife, and mother who is daily growing into the woman God called her to be. Through tragedy, depression, and illness, Sheri has come to have a very intimate relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Sheri may be contacted at [email protected].

(c) Sheri Gordon -- 2007

Article Source: WRITERS

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