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Can Dreams Be A Warning From God?

by Annagail Lynes  
4/27/2008 / Christian Living

How can I know if a dream is a warning from God?

At nine-years-old, I dreamed my great grandmother died. Within weeks, she did.

Some time later, I dreamed a former classmate, who bullied me, came to church camp over the summer. She had moved to another state earlier in the year, but she came back to attend church camp that year, just as I dreamed.

As I headed into my teens, I dreamed I married a young military man who left me alone to care for our infant son while he went off to war. In the middle of the war, he found another woman, which caused me a lot of heartache.

When I woke up, I could only remember that the guy's name started with a "J" and that he had an odd last name.

Several years later, when I entered my senior year of high school, I came face-to-face with the guy in my dream. He and I became friends, and he would call me late at night, almost every night. I would spend hours talking to him. I didn't marry him or even date him.

The dream God gave me saved me from the pain of divorcing that man.

The dream, though, that is the most special to me is the one I had for someone else.

I attended a church with my mother and grandmother. I enjoyed the pastor's preaching because of his dynamic style.

One night I dreamed he died in a car accident

My mom always told me to get up and pray whenever I had one of those dreams.. The dream had scared me so much that I literally shook as I prayed for him.

Two weeks later, I attended the morning service. When the preacher moved toward the platform, I noticed the cast on his wrist.

He told the congregation that he survived a car crash . When the police arrived on the scene, they surveyed the damage and couldn't figure out how he lived.

As far as I am concerned, these dreams contained warnings from God Himself.

How do you know if your dream is a warning from God?

Pay attention to the details of the dream. Write them down.

Was it dark? Was it light? Were there brilliant colors? Who was in the dream? People you know? Strangers? What was said in the dream? What kind of place was it? Kitchen? Front yard? Was the dream literal or symbolic?

An example of a literal dream is the one I dreamed of with the pastor dying. I saw things as they would occur if I didn't pray..

Symbolic dreams are where every item means something. They can be a warning as well.

For example: if you dreamed that someone shot at you with a gun, God could be a warning you that someone is accusing you of something or saying slanderous things about you. A rat in a dream could mean you are dealing with a wicked person or a betrayer.

Everything in a symbolic dream means something from the colors to the time of day to the direction. Were you sitting? On a chair? A bench? At a table? What shape was the table?

I once dreamed I sat in a small room at a square table with Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush, then they switched seats.

To determine what the dream represented, I had to take note of the people as well as the time of day and the shape of the table.

Some of the dreams you have may seem crazy. Many are just dreams caused by the food you ate before going to bed, but others are God speaking to you about something going on in your life.

To remember your dreams, put a pad of paper on your night stand. Then you can jot the dream down when you wake up.

You might also want to purchase a dream book with the meanings of each symbol in it, such as Understanding The Dreams You Dream by Ira Milligan.

Dreams are just one of the ways God speaks to us about what is happening in our lives.

What do you do if you have a warning dream?

The first thing to do, whether you are trembling or not, is to pray.

Pray for protection for the person in the dream. You might use the prayer God taught me, "Lord, please put your guardian angels and a hedge of thorns and a wall of fire, and I plead the blood of Jesus over ______ (fill in the person's name) to keep him (or her) from harm, danger and the evil one in Jesus' Name. Amen."

Then if you have the evidence of speaking in tongues, pray in your prayer language. Pray until you feel peace in your spirit about the situation.

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what the meaning of the dream is and watch for His answer.

Many years ago, I dreamed that a person I hadn't seen in years came to visit me. Then without warning, he ran from my house. I hurried after him, following him down the road, but an angel pushed me back toward the house.

I asked God what the dream meant. God revealed to me that this"friend" operated in spiritual activities that were not of God.

When I hung around him in college, he involved me in those activities unbeknownst to me. Those activities and this person still had a hold on me over the years, but God assured me that He had now broken that hold.

Some times God will talk to your spirit, give you peace about a situation or send you a dream. These are only some of the ways that God can speak, and He might not speak the same way each time.

Pray. Don't tell anyone what you dreamed. Remember what happened to Joseph (Genesis 39) when he told his dream to his brothers. They sold him into slavery.

Instead write it down in your private journal. Make sure to date the entry.

When we try to prevent the dream from coming to pass on our own, without seeking God's help, we will fail. If we go to God and ask Him for help, we will be victorious every time.

Next time you have a dream pay close attention to it because it may just be a warning from God.

Annagail Lynes is a pharmacy technician, certified life coach and ordained minister. She is helping people move forward after trauma by helping them discover their purpose. Follow her blog at

Article Source: WRITERS

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