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walk the path

by Jan Ross  
12/29/2006 / Poetry

cloud by day and fire by night
the presence conspicuous

men, women, children, animal herds
through the region mountainous

enemies pursue rebellious hearts
evil opposition perilous

repentant Israel restored, forgiven
Gods mercy bounteous

chosen leaders, Moses and Aaron
covenant-bound virtuous

numbered, arranged by family line
wilderness camp multitudinous

north and west, east and south
tribes of Israel contiguous

levites, priests, appointed ones
encamped circulatorious

Israels journey, Messiah revealed
walk the path beauteous


boundary set by linen of white
pillars and ropes copious

fine linen, significant colors
to the onlooker curious

color of blue, heavenly hue
royal purple glorious

white like snow, clean and pure
red as blood rosaceous

entrance through the gate, now bring
offering of praise spontaneous

tabernacle gate, Messiah revealed
walk the path mysterious


sacrificial lambs, goats, and quail
priests inspection meticulous

sounds of innocence, forgiveness sought
animal cries boisterous

coals of red, basins of blood
brazen altar slaughterous

priestly garments, cleansing stream
brazen laver aqueous

careful attention, precepts, laws
washing clean ceremonious

look beyond whats seen with eyes
salvation made known obvious

outer court, Messiah revealed
walk the path victorious


curtain of purple, red, white, and blue
pillars of gold luminous

coverings of skins, ram, goat, and otter
embroidered cherubim wondrous

candlestick of gold, flames flickering
fresh oil alit luminous

table of showbread, twelve loaves displayed
baked, unleavened plenteous

altar of incense, apothecarys blend
fragrant spices odorous

candlestick, showbread, fragrant altar
holy furniture illustrious

the inner court, Messiah revealed
walk the path splendorous


thick woven silk, curtain divide
cherubim of gold luxurious

wood overlaid with hammered gold walls
enclosure of holiness impervious

ark of the Lord, treasured within
tables of stone notorious

rod that budded, gold pot of manna
covenant, miracles momentous

staves of gold, mercy seat covering
holy presence righteous

high priest enters with blood atoning
annual offering vicarious

sacrifice accepted, people redeemed
most holy place joyous

holy of holies, Messiah revealed
walk the path most secretous


mans need to find the meaning of life
quest for knowledge ponderous

the tabernacle calls mankind to know
abundant love most gracious

eternal purpose shown mankind
yet he remains rebellious

unfulfilled, dissatisfied
self-exalted murmurous

chasing after other gods
blinded eyes oblivious

God gave the answer long ago
He made it quite conspicuous

enter His gates with thankful hearts
come into His courts splendiferous

the way foretold, Messiah revealed
walk the path rapturous

(c) Jan Ross
Contact: [email protected]

Jan Ross, President and Co-Founder of Heart of God International Ministries, is a passionate and outspoken defender of the Word of Truth and the Great Commission. For more devotional material by Jan, please take a moment to visit

Article Source: WRITERS

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