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  1. God's By Our Side by Richard L. Provencher  
    too soon that sorrow came
    like a fog on the grass

  2. Birth of a King (story) by Richard L. Provencher  
    The donkey ambled about, restless in his demeanor, sensing something of great consequence was about to happen.

  3. Dad by Dighton Head  
    Learning of my father's passing three states away, I found myself in the solitude of the woods, recalling his instructions for living to my brother and me.

  4. Signs by louis gander  
    (A true story [poem] from the 1960's)

    There spaced along the highway were twelve inexpensive signs.
    Just simple words of black on white next to some rigid pines.
    The signs were spaced just far enough they caught my drifting eye -
    so pondered I, each single word as they went marching by...

  5. HEADSHIP AND ITS RESPONSIBILITY (Let's Talk Family) Part 1 by James Manning  
    We live in a time when almost everyone wants to state their claim as head of the household, but how many people are willing to take the responsibility that comes with the position of being head of the household? Now, when I speak of responsibility I may be talking about something entirely different from what you might thinking of,

    Let me say this up front, in the light of the scripture, it is not the responsibility of the husband to provide for his his wife and his household. Over the years I have seen one too many marriages break up because of this type of teaching,

  6. my birth town by Dina Liles  
    For my grandchildren, my place of birth.

  7. my birth town by Dina Liles  
    For my grandchildren, my place of birth.

  8. my birth town by Dina Liles  
    For my grandchildren, my place of birth.

  9. my birth town by Dina Liles  
    For my grandchildren, my place of birth.

  10. my birth town by Dina Liles  
    For my grandchildren, my place of birth.

  11. my birth town by Dina Liles  
    For my grandchildren, my place of birth.

  12. My Career by Emily Van rijn  
    If we are a mother or wife, we should grow in our knowledge every day of how to do our job better.

  13. Thanksgiving Dinner by Michelle Higgins  
    And when my my dad asked that everyone attend the Thanksgiving dinner, he said if one of us ain't there it just ain't the same, each one of us is just that important, and if any one of us ain't there it just ain't family.

  14. Lost Time by Heather Moon  
    So many times in life we find people drift apart, life gets busy and things come up and we look back wishing they had not. This short piece is reflective and I hope it makes you think. Then I hope it makes you act!

  15. Deep Sea Fishing by Richard L. Provencher  
    âSure,â Troy finally said. âBut, I have to catch the most awesome fish in the whole world, all by myself.â

  16. The Miracle by Gloria Comingore  
    The Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary printed in 1984 explains a miracle as a noun with these explanations 1. An event that seems impossible to explain by natural laws and so is regarded as supernatural in origin or as an act of God. 2. One that excited admiration or awe: wonder.
    It is a true story that happened 53 years ago in a small church in a small town in the middle of Indiana.

  17. Setting Boundaries With Your Adult Children: Five Signs You Are Enabling Your Adult Child by Karla Downing  
    Are you wondering if you are enabling your adult child? These five signs will help you to determine whether or not you are helping or hurting your adult child and yourself. "Enabling" means that your action allows someone to continue to do something they otherwise couldn't do without it. It is also doing something for others that they should be doing for themselves.

  18. Pot of Ailment OR Pot of Aliment by Beth LaBuff  
    A Sunday School Activity for children ages 8-10, to accompany the story "Death in the Pot" from 2 Kings 4:38-41. Unscramble the bracketed word(s) to make single words that will complete the rhyme about Elisha and the school of prophets. Then decide which title is correct, "Pot of Ailment" or "Pot of Aliment"?

  19. Martha's Kitchen by Beth LaBuff  
    This is a Sunday School activity for children ages 8 to 10 to accompany the story "Mary and Martha" from Luke 10:38-42. Not everything in Martha's kitchen is in plain sight. I've hidden items in her kitchen. Help Martha find these hidden words in the rhyme so she'll have more time to spend sitting with her sister Mary at Jesus' feet.

  20. The Next Thousand Words by Billy Adams  
    When you come across a photo and someone you know is in the picture, emotions and conversations that took place during that period of time are brought back to memory. I am not a photographer, but I think that certain cameras today have the ability to capture an image in 1/8000th of a second. The time it takes to snap the picture is far removed from the actual life of that photo.

  21. Whaaah by Donna Wasson  
    And let the whining begin...

  22. Abandoned and Found by lynn gipson  
    This is my mother's story, who died seventeen years ago in a nursing home. Sadly, I was one of the children who didn't visit her very often. I have since understood her side of life.

  23. Child-led Families? by Billie Jo Youmans  
    Parental rights tend to be taken for granted in America. We must understand the issue and act for the parents of the future.

  24. Best Laid Plans by Suzy Winter  
    Not everything goes according to our plan - so what do we do?

  25. Four Dysfunctional Family Characteristics That You Can Change by Karla Downing  
    Dysfunctional families have similar characteristics regardless of the individual problems. Here are four dysfunctional family characteristics that you can change: unpredictability, denial, generational effects, and unhealthy connections.

  26. CONFESSIONS OF A HAPPILY MARRIED MAN by Richard L. Provencher  
    Yes, I was that cowboy seeking a mate, someone who would love me, help me raise a kindergarten of children.

  27. Dysfunctional Families: How to Take Care of Your Children in the Midst of The Dysfunction - Part One by Karla Downing  
    If you are in a dysfunctional marriage and have children, you have a dysfunctional family. This article is the first in a series to show you how to take care of your children in the midst of the dysfunction.

  28. Train Up a Child â" Before Birth by Steve Wukmer  
    The Bible instructs parents in Proverbs 22:6 âTo train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old; he will not depart from it.â Training or instruction by the parents a necessity in a child's life for proper development sociably, mentally, and physically. The question that arises is âwhere or when do we start as parents?â The best advice found is before a child is born through Stimulation. There are three basic areas of Stimulation: sound, touch, and proper care.

  29. Mother's Day 2012 by Richard L. Provencher  
    A mother is love and
    more love

  30. It's Not A Lonesome Word by veronica cressey  
    I imagined myself ushering our young grandsons for a talk, trying to be serious, yet,knowing all the while they would fidget and laugh throughout our chat.


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