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  1. The Differences between Healthy Families and Dysfunctional Families by stephanie reck  
    God created families to love, nurture, protect and support each other. Healthy families are essential for belonging and acceptance. However, not all families are healthy and some families would be considered dysfunctional.

  2. Trigger Happy by PamFord Davis  
    'Oh, how we miss the dearly departed.'

  3. THE OLD TIMERS' ROCKING CHAIR by Rachel Jamerson  
    Vickie continued to rock back and forth in her chair. Closing her eyes she remembered many years of life as a family here. John died about two years ago. Since then it had been a very lonely place.

  4. Your Kids Carry Seeds Of Greatness; Do Not Give Up On Them by Daniel Dela Dunoo  
    No kid should be looked down upon because of his or her current state. Kids carry seeds of greatness.

  5. Jesus...I Am by Richard L. Provencher  
    Jesus came to share His Essence. This story is revealing the thoughts which may have crossed His mind as he strode forth to complete His mission.

  6. A Lesson In Forgiveness by Kate Warren  
    On Mother's Day, a woman is at her wits end with her sons and their behaviors, her youngest was just arrested for pot. She drives off in a temper only to meet a sheriff deputy or an angel who helps her cut the the source of her frustration.

  7. Unknown Love by Sylvia Hensel  
    One cannot imagine the depth of instantaneous love a mother feel the moment she sees her new born baby

  8. The Joy of Speelling...I mean, Spelling by Julia Lee  
    A home school mom finds joy even in mistakes her children make.

  9. Dolls on a Shelf by Kate Warren  
    In many families parents, as they age, become somewhat irrelevant. Their children love them, but see dated people with dated ideas. So just what do children do with their parents once they are grown?

  10. Adam Tries to Create a Companion by Greg Miller  
    Adam tries to create a companion for himself.

  11. A Moment With Mother by Shari Weigerstorfer  
    'A Moment With Mother' tells of a daughter and aging mother who are briefly mentally and emotionally reconnected. It's about last wishes and the One we have always trusted to make them come true.

  12. The Value Of Dads by Cate Russell-Cole  
    No matter what form of family you are in, by choice or circumstance, kids still need dads. This article explores why from a psychological and personal point of view.

  13. What's Wrong With You This Time?" Children, Teenagers and Depression by Cate Russell-Cole  
    Understanding and coping with depression in children and teenagers. Written by a qualified social worker who understands and is trained in mental health issues.

    My grandma was the only person in my life that ever seemed happy to see me.

  15. LET GO AND LET GOD! by Linda Wattley  
    This is where we have to grow up. We are not supposed to get in God's way when he is teaching them how to trust Him.

  16. We Only Have This Moment by Linda Wattley  
    God is so amazing how He lets us know this moment is the most valuable time we will ever have. I give thanks for acknowledging this truth.

  17. What Kind of Man Should a True Father Be? by Bruce Huff  
    This poem is dedicated with heartfelt love to my earthly father,
    Rev. Eugene Huff.
    He has been and continues to be my friend, my teacher, my counselor,
    And the true example of the kind of man a Godly Father should be.

    "If you want peace, prepare for war". Ever hear that? This applies double to marriage. More than half of the nation is divorced and nobody prepared ahead for disaster? There isn't much left us to defend ourselves with. Still, defense of marriage begins by (A) fallowing defensive stratagems LONG BEFORE MARRIAGE, followed by (B) defensive planning during marriage with (C) special program to defend the kids.
    Who said, "when you tie the knot, don't tie it around your neck"?

  19. Marietta by Jennifer Champion  
    A little devotion related to unconditional love and my grandmother.

  20. Wish the Fish 07 (dignity) by louis gander  
    Well, Big Mouth's rants were over pants
    that sagged excessively.
    He didn't care his underwear
    was bared for all to see.

  21. Rancid by HK Lind  
    Poems from Love

  22. 4 Tips To Make Bible Time Fun for Kids by Patricia Coldiron  
    Bible time doesn't have to be boring, and by making the Bible come alive with stories, colorful pictures, and fun crafts, Bible time will be a time for your kids to have fun and learn.

  23. The Effects on Adult Children of Divorce by stephanie reck  
    The divorce of one's parent's is generally one of the most painful events in life. The adult child can reasonably expect to go through a grieving process, even if they are aware of a history of marital discord. Research indicates that divorce is life's second highest stressor, second only to death of a loved one. Healing and recovery for adult children of divorce (ACOD) does not happen overnight, it can take years; and their recovery process has been compared to that of a recovering alcoholic.

  24. God's Sparrow by louis gander  
    Then, when it had finished, it flew out of sight -
    and it left a message, quite brutal, but right -
    when I heard, "You're fake - a great imitator,
    forgiven by God, your Maker, Creator."

  25. How To Make a Happy Heart by Abby Kelly  
    "Anxiety in the heart of a man weighs it down, but a good word makes him glad."
    Proverbs 12:25

  26. A Father to the Fatherless by Deborah Rampona Oliver  
    A writer from a broken home moves into a neighborhood full of broken children from broken homes. God revealed himself in a mighty way to the writer and these children.

  27. Do You Know? by Olawale Ogunsola  
    There is a reason behind every event, so it is with Christmas. How is it in your home?

  28. Watch What You Watch by Abby Kelly  
    A young girl learns the impact that television and other media has on her mind.

  29. Relationships Matter Most by RobertLincoln Hancock  
    C.S Lewis, a world class novelist said, "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts to us in our pain..." Family disintegration, absenteeism and the digital pseudo substitute fillers are taking an incalculable and generational toll on the health and well-being of this generation and those to follow.

  30. I Hope, I Believe by PamFord Davis  
    A difficult experience for a father and daughter...


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