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  1. Christian Parenting Priorities by Adam Bennett  
    As a Christian parent it can be difficult to prioritise time - especially when it comes to weighing up what ministries to be involved in.

  2. Holy Accountability by Michelle Roufley  
    What happens when we are overwhelmed with parenting? Especially when you are a single parent. When we look to God for help we can count on Him being there.

  3. IF MOTHER ONLY KNEW non-fiction by Richard L. Provencher  
    Mom passed on last September 2008, and I discover within my memory, events of lasting endurance. Mom, you were special, and I miss you. This story is a sort of confession. Son Dick.

  4. Amazing Grace by Debbie OConnor  
    Fiction. A pastor's teenage daughter goes her own way, but God's arm is not too short to reach her.

  5. Seven Ways to Tell if Your Child is Rejecting Your Values by Millie McNabb  
    Parents recognize open opposition when a child talks back and sticks out his tongue, but they don't always catch the subtle signs of rebellion. Here are seven signs that "values rejection" is on your child's agenda.

  6. Helping Teenagers Choose Positive Peers by Sheila Gregoire  
    As parents, we desperately want our teens to develop godly friendships. But when children hit those teen years, popularity becomes so important. Learn how to steer teens towards positive peers, even when they may not want it!

  7. The Spiritual Responsibility of Fatherhood by Dwight Turner  
    An article illustrating the impact of a father's actions on a growing child, particularly as related to spiritual themes. Describes the insights a father has as he hears his daughter pray, using words he often uses when praying with her.

  8. Guarded by Katherine Kimbley  
    As parents, we take great pains to protect many aspects of our child's lives, but what about their hearts? Based on Proverbs 4:23.

  9. Eyes of Innocence and Wonder by Dwight Turner  
    A look at how children so often notice things we adults miss or take for granted. Explores why looking at life in a fresh way yeilds a great harvest of personal blessing.

  10. The Ballerina by Glenn Frontin  
    We read of God's strength and grace in others but when we meet that special person that exhibits it, we realize we are witnessing a miracle.

  11. Oh Blessed Daughter Of God! by Diana Isham  
    A poem I wrote for my teenage daughters as I sought to communicate with them in the best possible way, the importance of dressing modestly.

  12. Are you doing all that you can to help your child succeed in life? PT3 by Janice S Ramkissoon  
    If parents continue to neglect their children, husbands and wives will continue to disagree; fight and eventually divorce. In short, they will continue to live less than fulfilled lives.

  13. Are you doing all that you can to help your child succeed in life? PT2 by Janice S Ramkissoon  
    When we neglect our responsibilities as parents, we contribute to the breakdown of society. We release these children into their adult years, unprepared.

  14. Are you doing all that you can to help your child succeed in life? PT1 by Janice S Ramkissoon  
    Too often we believe that the duty of a 'parent' is simply to provide food and shelter for our children. For those who believe this and spend their lives doing just that I'm about to burst your bubble.

  15. SEVEN'S A BUNCH poem by Richard L. Provencher  
    I truly believe Jesus loves children so much he watches over them very carefully. Some are given their own special qualities of looking after brothers and sisters. Sheldon is a special brother.

  16. Parents: Recapture Control by Shakera Reid-Stewart  
    It's becoming increasingly harder to parent these days. It seems as though parents are up against so many other outside influences. The time has come for parents to RECAPTURE CONTROL of their children and their homes. Here's a good way to start.

  17. TIPPY TOES story by Richard L. Provencher  
    Who can ever forget an angelic child zooming here, traipsing there, spilling, dropping, and, and. Oh thank you God for this wonderful creation you have placed in my care.

  18. Water War by Heather Sargent  
    A true story about how quickly things can change when you have young children and a mother who tries to overcome her guilt of not paying attention for that critical second.

  19. 10 Steps to Life, A Guide to Overcoming the Emotional Trauma of Miscarriage by Heather Sargent  
    A non-religious guide to overcoming miscarriage. A rewrite of A Journey of Loss which is from a Christian perspective. Rewritten to reach a broader audience.

  20. Journey of Loss by Heather Sargent  
    A guide to overcoming miscarriage from a Christian perspective.

  21. Firstborn by Diana Isham  
    A poem I wrote to my first born son before he joined the military. He recently returned honorably from serving our country in Iraq.

  22. Wisdom, Stature and Favour by Adam Bennett  
    This article considers what we can learn about parenting from the verse that says, "Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and man."

  23. AT LEAST A SCZILLION WAYS TO SAY "I LOVE YOU" by Laraine Hemrick Horney  
    Fresh out of ideas on how to express your love to your kids? Show them! Starting today, have fun finding new ways make sure they know how much you care.

  24. Making the Bible Real to Your Children by Ruth Willms  
    If you want to teach your children of God's great love for them you would show it differently to each age group. Even at two years of age and younger you portray God's love by hugging your children and telling them you love them and Jesus loves them too. You plant seeds by telling them about Jesus and the children.

  25. Come Home My Child by Latwanuia Henry  
    Home is where you belong.
    Make this house your happy home.

  26. Heebie-Jeebies by Karen Story  
    Don't push a child to hug someone if they sometimes are fearful of others.

  27. In his arms by Adam Bennett  
    Thinking about the challenges of parenting I was very encouraged by the message that God carries the little ones in his arms

  28. A CIRCLE OF FIREFLIES by Richard L. Provencher  
    This contemporary story deals with family challenges, where patience, love and God's blessings are needed in bountiful supply. Yes, Lord. Please bless all families, as they go about their daily struggles. Amen.

  29. The secret to secure kids by Adam Bennett  
    All parents want their children to grow up secure. This proverb provides a simple prescription that, in the Message's paraphrase, makes the "world safe for your children."

  30. Tangled Reflections by LauraLee Shaw  
    What do you do when your patience runs thin with your child? Join Nancy for a teachable moment, one meant for more than just her daughter...


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