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Love, Laughter And A Cookie A Day
by Antje Hill
In our stress filled lives, it so important that we we keep our children feeling loved and secure. How better to do that than let them know they are loved and all is well within the family. That can happen with effort and determination.
Mommy, I'm Scared
by Gene Oborny
What do you tell children who are afraid of what is happening in the News?
Pre-parenting, Discipline and Sin
by Abby Kelly
I have had numerous discussions with friends about how my husband and I plan to discipline our daughter. Already, I've noticed hundreds of books touting the secrets of raising girls, training up a child in the way he or she should go, the merits of spanking, the value of positive reinforcement, and on and on. I have yet to see a book that tells me what I'm supposed to do about my own sin.
How To Raise Wise Children
by Dinora Trujeque
We might not be able to stop the indoctrination at school, but we can certainly take the "garbage" out of our children's minds every day.
by Eugene Lopatynsky
Kids have been lured out into parks and streets at night, without the glorified parents even suspecting anything. Child abductors, rapists, pedophiles, drug dealers and you name it, will be out there, happily setting a trap for your naïve offspring. You don't believe it? Once gone, you might never see your kids (alive) ever again.
Good By My Little Butterfly
by Sylvia Hensel
A child, protected from the evils of the day, reaches the age where she must face life.
Coping with the Pain of Having a Prodigal Child
by stephanie reck
This Christmas was the toughest one I have had so far. I had these great expectations that I would see my son for Christmas, I mean I have celebrated every Christmas with him since he was born.
Prayer Works
by Shari Weigerstorfer
"...A few months ago, while we were in the London airport, my daughter found some coins. I had no idea that God would use this seemingly insignificant event as a building block of faith. But then, God is ever surprising, isn't He?"
Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin
by Shari Weigerstorfer
Loving the sinner while hating the sin is God's way. We are to exemplify God's love to our children. If our children cannot believe that we love them in spite of their mistakes and failures, how will they believe that a Holy God can?
Because of your Father's God
by tope Ogundare
An article for fathers
by Kate Hurley
A poem about the beauty of offering yourself to God, even if it doesn't seem like enough. (For children or adults).
Wish the Fish 11 (love)
by louis gander
The doctor bills had taken all -
so money? She had none.
The off'ring plate had passed her by
- but not her little son.
Inside his 'hand', his tiny fin
where heart and love enjoin,
a 'clink' had echoed through the church.
Dropped in, his little coin.
Wish the Fish 10 (compassion)
by louis gander
But listen? Wish's friend did not.
Bad habits grew in him a lot.
He didn't try to change his ways
and he seemed always in a daze.
His friend was Catfish, Catfish Jim -
and habits got the best of him.
"Just stay away! Leave me alone.
Your voice has a disdainful tone.
Don't preach to me and do not call.
You always think you know it all.
Keep all your morals to yourself.
Leave me alone. I love myself.
So Wish the Fish went on his way.
And time went on - day after day.
Wish the Fish 09 (integrity)
by louis gander
To show respect, they all stood up.
Wish wished this day would pass.
It couldn't be! But yes, it was!
The judge was Big Mouth Bass!
The prosecutor raised his voice,
"His reputation's filthy!
He brags, he cheats, he steals, he lies.
He's guilty, guilty, guilty!
How To Influence Your Kids' Behavior
by Abby Kelly
In order to avoid sin of all kinds, including violent behavior, Scripture tells us that we must instill God's Word in our hearts and keep our lives according to His principles. But how do we do that?
Wish the Fish 08 (charity)
by louis gander
Then one day something bad occurred
that took all that he had.
And that's when Koi could help no more -
so then they thought him bad.
So Grandpa Koi, now penniless,
was nowhere to be found -
but they demanded he come forth -
and stop fooling around.
Wish the Fish 06 (patience)
by louis gander
Now Wish knew moms weren't very fast.
She'd answer, "Soon." if he had asked.
He couldn't wait for pie to bake,
so he, a different route, would take.
Wish the Fish 05 (courage)
by louis gander
Now Big Mouth Bass, it came about,
made fun of Wish's friend, the Trout.
Sarcastically, he bullied him,
then pushed him hard, again, again.
The Trout had fallen, hurt his side.
"I did not do it." Big Mouth lied.
He threatened Wish with piercing stare,
"You will not talk. You wouldn't dare."
Wish the Fish 04 (respect)
by louis gander
In Fish Hook City down below
the ocean waves and ocean's flow -
are diff'rent colored fish in schools
who made a slew of bizarre rules.
Wish the Fish 03 (contentment)
by louis gander
Wish wasn't mean and wasn't bad -
but wanted things that others' had.
So Wish the Fish was not content.
He had no money. Not one cent.
Wish the Fish 02 (chores)
by louis gander
One day mom said, "Now do your chores.
I've done all mine. Now you do yours.
Go make your bed, then get your broom
and sweep the seashells from your room."
Wish the Fish 01 (obedience)
by louis gander
ONCE upon a splashing time
a little fish wished he could rhyme.
But 'Wish the Fish' lived in the sea
and seemed to bring calamity.
An Evil That Mothers Do.
by Olawale Ogunsola
There is a certain act of mothers that amounts to doing evil to the future of their children but many do not know. What then can this be?
An Evil That Fathers Do.
by Olawale Ogunsola
Do you know that there are certain acts of fathers that amount to an evil one in the lives of their children? It is revealed here.
The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Child (or Anyone)
by Pappa Joseph
This is a gift all parents naturally have, but the tragedy is that their children don't always discern it, because the parents do not realize they aren't expressing it. Consequently, many children feel a neglect of them by parentsa root cause for the growing number of runaway teenagers each year in the materially developed, but emotionally deprived, countries. It's a basic cause for the growing number of children turning to drugs for a substitute assurance or for a temporary obliteration of the gnawing awareness within them of being deprived of their greatest emotional needof knowing with absolute certainty that there are people who will love them and care for them no matter what.
Desirable Materials
by Olawale Ogunsola
Many parents who find faults in their children's behavior hold peers' influence responsible. Is every flaw as a result of this?
The Sweat From His Brow
by Dennis Miranda
Being a father is no easy day in the sun, but who would've thought that raising children, even on to adulthood would be such a labor of love?
The Daily Worries Of A Parent
by Ngozi Nwoke
Do you find yourself worrying over your children's daily affairs or their future? Parenthood comes with great responsibilities: spiritual, physical and emotional responsibilities. And for an adult to be stable all round, his parents must fulfill their responsibilities. However, these responsibilities turn into daily worries for some parents. This article tells you the root-cause of the anxiety and what to do to avoid it.
And That Is Why
by louis gander
Children sleep.
Moms cry.
Moms lie awake nights.
That is why.
From the Beginning to ADD
by Melissa Owens
Sometimes it just takes yielding to the Holy Spirit in order to find the best results as a parent.
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