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  1. Michael's Artilce - Excellent Guidelines That Work by Rik Charbonneaux  
    Some times we have to accept that when we share the Gospel to deaf ears, that the Holy Spirit will turn that heart to Christ, if is to be.

  2. Piece By Piece by Ruthie Alekseeva  
    This is a testimony of how the Bible, God's creation and Disney's animated movie, Pinocchio, led to a child's conversion.

  3. SITTING ON MY MOTHER'S COUCH by linzy bruno  
    ".....Somewhere along the way I forgot that Christ Jesus is supposed to have the position of LORD in my life......"

  4. My Testimony of Late by Sue Darling  
    Learning to command in Jesus Name

  5. A Scientific Look at Lightning by Tonja Taylor  
    When the devil attacked my body, the LORD gave me a song to sing and overcome. I've since discovered many verses in the Bible about lightniing, and wanted to inspire you to think of lightning as more than part of a storm!

  6. Pam's Story by Pamela Walck  
    After a man asked me to marry him, asking what love really is...and what happened.

  7. Living on Two Trajectories by Anne O'Donnell  
    What does it look like when a Christian realizes they are living on two trajectories; one leading to defeat and the other to fulfillment.

  8. Call Waiting by Ruthie Alekseeva  
    This is the testimony of a soldier who returned from World War II.

  9. Disco Was the Best I Could Come Up With by Anne O'Donnell  
    A short summary of what meaning and purpose looked like prior to becoming a Christian versus after becoming a Christian

    Three distinguished stories of healing and deliverance. Three people living in deep darkness found deliverance through Christ. The stories confirm that Jesus Christ is supreme over evil powers, but also that every genuine deliverance is the result of the unique dealings of the Holy Spirit.

  11. When Death Takes Your Spouse (Losing the Love of Your Life) by Dale Buchanan  
    No experience in your life is like losing your life partner - especially after 53 years of marriage. This is my experience and the testimony of how God brought me through that time. I am hoping to encourage other Christians going through similar trials.

  12. Jesus Made Heaven My Home by Dale Buchanan  
    Jesus Made Heaven My Home. He used the influence of my godly parents, Bible verse memorization, and a Bible Camp in northern Wisconsin to bring me to salvation. What a wonderful change that brought to my life. And it resulted in a lifetime of service for Jesus.

  13. Awakened by the Storm by Jennifer Mobbs  
    Easter Sunday morning, I was awakened by thunder, lighting and winds that sounded like a hurricane. My little elderly dog âMontyâ was trembling and whining at the end of the bed when a large crack of thunder sent him running into my arms for protection.

  14. My Cameroon Sweetheart by Anne O'Donnell  
    A true story of how a young girl from around the world strengthened my faith as we shared one of the most precious friendships I have ever known.

  15. From Pandemic Paranoia to Praise by Anne O'Donnell  
    A testimony that took place at the peak of the world pandemic; what triggered severe anxiety, and how it was overcome.

  16. Forgiving yourself can be the Hardest thing to do. by Sue Darling  
    After preaching for a couple of years on how good and loving God is, I failed to believe it myself terribly. In a moment, I was attacked by Satan and lost my faith.

  17. Forever is...Forever by Jennifer Mobbs  
    I am ruled by Time, a Twenty-Four-hour day; and each tick of that clock tells me what to do, where I need to be and how much time, I have to live. But the truth is this, "Forever" has already begun.

  18. Vision of Love by Tonja Taylor  
    My vision of being in Heaven and seeing my name cut into the palm of Jesus has helped me more deeply understand Father God's love and devotion for His blood-bought children!

  19. My Lifeâs Supernatural Contacts and Experiences (Part 1) by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    My Lifeâs Supernatural Contacts and Experiences (1)

  20. My Lifeâs Supernatural Contacts and Experiences (Part 1) by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    My Lifeâs Supernatural Contacts and Experiences (1)

  21. My Tears Numbered More by louis gander  
    A hard worker, I was, with zig and with zag,
    but God said that my work was one filthy rag.

    I said, "I'm a self-made multi-millionaire."
    But God said, "You're prideful and I do not care."

    I argued, "I poured my whole life into this."
    But God then responded, "What life did you miss?"

    I said, "I deserve my most hard-earned reward.'
    But God said, "I'll give you a cross like your Lord."

  22. The Big Bang by Stephen Kimball  
    The testimony of a couple who responded to the Spirit's call on their lives and were forever changed.

  23. God is Still Good by Jennifer Mobbs  
    I have often wondered if it is because I do not have any children that I have somehow mixed time up, erased dates in some strange effort to ease the passage of time.

  24. Bible 18. The Witness for Resurrection is Without Equal Anywhere by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    At crucifixion you see the apostles disorganized, fleeing. Almost immediately afterward you see them welded together in strength and love and absolute resolve. What happened?
    The resurrection happened. Just think! What impact the reality of Resurrection?

  25. This is Your Life by Nola Lorraine Passmore  
    All of our stories are important to God.

  26. A Testimony: What I Have Learned So Far by lareina morgan  
    what I have learned from God is that I need Him every day, and this is how I have achieved it!

  27. JESUS IS my E.M.T!: The Article by linzy bruno  
    I've reposted this article that had been previously featured in Joel Bauer's magazine.......
    ".......I lay there in my bed, staring at nothing in particular; relieved that the day had finally arrived when I could actually stay out of bed longer than the few minutes it took my mother to change my sheets,......."

  28. The Prodigal Son by Michael Hume  
    The Prodigal son parable is about a man who lives a loose life, then realises His father offers a better one, and returns home to his father.

  29. Lonely by louis gander  
    My fingers cannot seem to touch

    the treasures in my mind.

    It seems they're much too feeble now

    to touch what once had rhymed.

  30. Talk to me Jesus by Richard L. Provencher  
    In my later years I am more aware of my mortality and speak often with Jesus. He is a salve for thoughts I have of faults in my life. Reviewing the life of Jesus helps me understand the extent to which He loved each of us and it makes me so glad.


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