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  1. The Afterlife of Writing/Publishing The 11:45 Call by Brenda Blakely  
    And I thought I was doing pretty good. Then God took me deeper and REVEALED!!!!....Teaching is a terribly irritating gift in the immature stage.

  2. I Would Not Be a Minister and Financier of the Gospel today if it had not been For Islam by hair gospel  
    Christians be weary of judging Muslims or people of different religions. There are many roads that lead to Christ.

  3. Truth in Turbulence by Jennifer Roos  
    Learning to trust the Lord at 30,000 feet...

  4. A broken heart leads to Redemption by Jeff Houdyshelt  
    My life was in ruins, and I was suicidal. I abandoned God because I felt he had abandoned me just like my father. I was in a fast tailspin and staring death in the eye. I embraced the devil...

  5. Patrick of Ireland by Jack Jones  
    Thomas Cahill's work 'How the Irish saved civilisation' highlights how through Patrick's legacy, Ireland grew civilized even while civilization elsewhere in Western Europe collapsed. The achievements of the historical Patrick were no less miraculous than the legendary one.

  6. Placing A Demand by Onyekachukwu Ukeje  
    An encouragement to trust in God to deliver no matter how dire and hopeless the situation.

  7. The Feather by Stanley McMahon  
    A lesson from childhood.

  8. The 180 by Kenneth James Bag-ao  
    A long walk.
    A ride.
    An accident.
    And the 180.

  9. This is EXACTLY how I was saved by   
    The "nuts and bolts" of exactly what happened when I was saved.

  10. Just try Jesus! by Faith C  
    Three miracles in one day?

  11. Led by the Great I AM! by Faith C  
    Led by the Great I Am, to treat an internal hemorrhage at home and bleeding stopped within 36 hours! Testimony to encourage others going through difficult times of illness etc.

  12. Powerful Testimony of an Olympic Champion by Faith C  
    This is a wonderful testimony I heard this morning of an Australian Olympic Swimming Champion - a must for all believers and non believers

    A short testimony of God's leading through illness and tips how He is assisting me to be an encouragement to others facing illness, fears, tribulations

  14. Cerebellum - Use your brain by Jack Jones  
    An amazing testimony of God's interaction with Street Chaplains and a homeless man.

  15. Sowing Seeds by Jack Jones  
    "So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it"

  16. Be Brave by Jack Jones  
    Have I not commanded you, be strong and Courageous, do not be terrified or discouraged
    For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go". Joshua 1:9

  17. Peace in the Storms by Faith C  
    Testimony to encourage others
    Friend, are you having continuous storms in your life or are the ill winds of fate battering you down? Do you find it hard to stand up or face another day? Do you fret and worry and have no idea when will there be peace and calm? Do you fear the future or find it hard to face today?

  18. Persevere in Suffering by Jack Jones  
    We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope. (Romans 5:3-4)

  19. Testimony Works by Jack Jones  
    They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink back from death.

  20. A Tribute to those in Harm's Way by Ivan Bradley  
    To those who've served praise rightly deserved. To those men and women in the armed services.

  21. February 25, 2011 by Carla LAmb  
    God freely gives the power to overcome any addiction, He can give you the power to break every chain. Whats stopping you from taking His hand?

  22. Celery Sticks From Mrs. G by Richard L. Provencher  
    On occasion we drove Mrs. G to the local hospital for Blood Pressure tests.

  23. Mammogram, Biopsy I Flunked with a Diagnosis of "Ductal Breast Cancer (Carcinoma) in Situ" by Marijo Phelps  
    Got a breast cancer diagnosis and am placing it firmly at the feet of Jesus.

  24. From Park Bench to Church Pew by Teila Tankersley  
    Here is an excellent testimony relayed to by Frank Sinclair an excellent motivational speaker, Pastor and friend to many.

  25. The Promises of God by Stephanie Steeves  
    Rainbows in the sky can remind us of spiritual things. The one I saw the other day sure did.

  26. One Man's Journey out of Seventh-day Adventism Chapter 2 by Brian Hyde  
    This describes my journey as a member of the main body of Seventh-day Adventists and association with pressure groups, before making a defining experience (the first of many) that challenged my understanding of the role of works in salvation.

  27. One Man's Journey out of Seventh-day Adventism; Chapter 1 by Brian Hyde  
    In this chapter I trace my first steps into Christianity and show the legalistic mindset I had adopted at this early stage and which was to set me up to become a Seventh-day Adventist.

  28. One Man's Journey out of Seventh-day Adventism; Introduction by Brian Hyde  
    This sets the scene for the chapters that will follow. It provides an overview of why I wrote my testimony

  29. Grouchy Midnight Mountain Lion by BILL HUNT  
    Yes, like for Samuel, David or Daniel, God protects from a grouchy midnight mountain lion.

  30. The Lord Caught Me Young...Must Be Fruitful For Him by SIXTUS ONYEANUSI  
    Saved in the youth


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