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World Affairs


  1. Tired of Being Afraid by   
    I am learning that if I let fear rule, then I do not really trust the Lord very much. I'm showing Him that I don't believe that He can do what He says He can do for me and in my life. That's not what I want to be about.

  2. Women at the Well and Free African Lemon Chicken Soup Recipe by Kathy Carlton Willis Communications  
    Kay Marshall Strom shares a story of modern day women at the well. Strom also share a delicious holiday recipe.

  3. Global Warming - Some Random Thoughts by Stanley Hasegawa  
    That mankind is physically abusing the earth is only part a larger picture; only one symptom of a more fundamental issue

  4. WHERE ARE THE SOLDIERS? by Tom Zart  
    Where are the soldiers so far, far away?
    How many will perish no one can say.
    Where are the soldiers we love night and day?
    Deployed world over to keep evil at bay.

  5. THEY SERVE TO PRESERVE = Memorial Poetry by Tom Zart  
    They serve to preserve our forefathers dreams,
    Prayers, visions and determination.
    Risking all in pursuit of fulfillment of duty
    To God, freedom, faith, honor and nation.

  6. Can Man Exist without Religion? by Samuel Connelly  
    With all the talk of freedom of religion, freedom from religion, and the diverse religions of the world. Some, wanting to awaken American's to the possibilities of a world without any religion, and asked a great question: Can Man Exist without Religion?

  7. Conservative Poet Tom Zart's = OBAMA AND THE HINGE OF HISTORY by Tom Zart  
    Some have asked why must we study history
    It just encourages us to live in the past.
    When we forget history we repeat its mistakes
    As the outcome of humanity is cast.

  8. Misdirected Loyalties by Julie Arduini  
    An American tourist and a grieving Brit share a common bond over a moment of silence.

  9. If God really exists, then why...? by Chris Umeweni  
    The author gives a clear answer to the questions that has run on the minds of many people for years.

  10. Spiritual Warfare - Introduction by Paul George  
    Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but the demonic hosts of Satan. The world we see is not the real world.

  11. Conservative Poet Tom Zart's = IRAN THE MISSILES ARE COMING by Tom Zart  
    What we accomplish is heaven's measure
    As patriots respond to the threats of man.
    Protect and defend what we love till death
    As the soldiers of Satan arise from the sand.

  12. The End of the World As We Know It by Phil Pike  
    Do you want to know what's really going on with America's current economic situation? It's simple. We're reaping what we've been sowing for years. The chickens have finally come home to roost. They always do!

  13. Economic Recovery! by Jeanna or Jen  
    Can we change the economy? Can there be more jobs?

  14. Voluntary Taxes, Prima Facie Law - the Truth by Ethel Ashe-Frear  
    Mysteriously warned in a dream by God that the U.S. government (IRS) was about to remove money from my bank account.

  15. Conservative Poet Tom Zart's AMERICA AT WAR POEMS by Tom Zart  
    As long as man has struggled on earth
    Life has had its troubles from birth.
    God's seed of goodness has delayed man's demise
    Thank Heaven for his heroes the strong and the wise.

  16. Does America Need Revival? by Donna Pampalone  
    One nation under God?

  17. Maybe It's Not Alright by Steven Walls  
    What we are presented with is offered in a way that says, 'go ahead, it's alright now'.

    I say, maybe it's not alright.

  18. Christianity and Culture: Relationship And Conflict by jamal smith  
    This article examines the history between Chrisitanity and how it relates to the cultres it grows in

  19. A Crisis in America by gene hudgens  
    Do Americans want an "All Volunteer Military" or "The Draft". Wake-up America!

  20. The Futility of Evil by   
    Evil would like to take everything hostage for itself, but this would destroy everything.

  21. The American Battling Mindset by   
    Our inbred, battling mindset can applied for productive purposes.

  22. Gasoline Resembles Sin by   
    Humanity's craving for sin is not logical because the fruits of sin are misery and death. For similar reasons it is illogical for us to continue using gasoline.

  23. The Spineless Kathy Griffin by Kerry Hedden  
    Isn't amazing how everyone is up in arms about Christianity? The Hollywood elitists have taken it to a whole other level with their out right hatred towards Christians and our beliefs. Enough is enough and it is time for Christians to stand up for ourselves. Take Kathy Griffin for example- -

  24. Does America Need a Military? by gene hudgens  
    Does America deserve its fine military? We can not have the cake and eat it too. If our military isn't adaquately cared for by our government and VA, we may loose it all.

  25. On the Periphery of Policy: Response to An American Betrayal by gene hudgens  
    Only one percent of the American population puts themselves in 'harms-way' to defend America and all Americans. The other 99 % are never in harms-way in this defense...yet this 99% and the government leaders do not want to adaquately care the one percent. This is a shame.

  26. Conversion at the Point of a Sword by Alan Allegra  
    Religious wars have plagued the world for millenia. Christians are called to be people of peace, yet we are also called to participate in the greatest war of all time, armed with the sharpest of swords.

  27. Powder by dub W  
    Award winning article, features an aid worker going into North Korea. Composed after speaking with Korean Doctor.

  28. Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Harvesting - A Unique Declaration by Robin Calamaio  
    Naturalists and Biblical Theists have many objections to embryonic stem cell research and harvesting. This unique declaration examines the most basic one. Here is a clue. What is it called when one consumes another of the same species?

  29. Church & Individual Giving: Home or Away? by Mark E Crossley  
    This article challenges us to think about where we give our offerings to.

  30. Global Warming Is A Global Warning by Fenny West  
    Global warming is a global warning to us all. Unfortunately, the poor are more vulnerable. Whereas nothing dramatic will change the trend, everyone can do their bit and also make others around them aware.


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