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Christian Living


  1. What If ... by Jerry Ousley  
    What large conditions pivot and depend on two letters - IF

  2. Confident of His Purposes by Dudley Anderson  
    ?Be confident of this, the Lord will never abandon you. He will work out his plans for your life, for his faithful love endures forever.?

  3. The God of Hope by Tonja Taylor  
    Jesus Christ is the God of Hope, and only He can give us hope, which is the precursor to peace and joy.

  4. The Bible, God?s Voice, and Useful Information by Max Aplin  
    The Bible was never designed to give us all the information that is useful for us to live our lives. Some of this information consists of things we can?t find out by ourselves. God has every right to convey any piece of useful information He wants to anyone He wants in any way He wants, including through prophecy and dreams.

  5. SOUL DANCE (excerpt): Strength to Serve by Tonja Taylor  
    God trusts us to do His work! How amazing is that?! He gives us strength to serve Him.

  6. Mighty Moses by Ramona Cook  
    Ever wonder how the mighty men and women of God got that way? What kind of attributes did they have that brought such miracles and successes?

  7. The Rooster Croweth by Jerry Ousley  
    How did Peter feel when the rooster crowed? You might know more than you think ...

  8. Give Me Oil in My Lamp by Dudley Anderson  
    ?It?s only by the steady infilling of the Holy Spirit that you and I will maintain a good oil supply for our lamps.?

  9. You Are Safe With Jesus When You Live in Obedience to His Word by Tonja Taylor  
    I know, I know; we much prefer to do our own thing. The flesh never changes, and we have to learn that, much like a willful child, it must be disciplined and trained and directed. The LORD will help us do that, so our spirits (the real us) can supersede and get our God-jobs done!

  10. GOD PROTECTED TRUMP by linzy bruno  
    The LORD preserves all who love Him, But all the wicked He will destroy." (Psalm 9:17)

  11. What Do The So-Called Righteous Believe? by lareina morgan  
    This is what they declare in their hearts 'I know that I am good', and they boast of their good deeds, but what does God see when He looks into their hearts? Does He believe that they are 'righteous'?

  12. Salt of the Earth by Dudley Anderson  
    ?Dear Christian stand strong in the word of God. Continue to live by biblical principles without wavering and you will be the salt of the earth, flavouring a repugnant world with the essence of God.?

  13. The Part of the Wall That Didn't Fall by Jerry Ousley  
    When the wall of Jericho fell, an even greater miracle took place.

  14. Salvation from the Jews by Michael Hume  
    Jesus was a Jew and the Messiah. We are saved by a Jew. Our Old Testament is a Jewish book. The early disciples were all Jews. We owe a lot to Jews and serve the same God as the Jews.

  15. CONCEPT OF LOVE by Samuel Akinola  
    Generally, love is a complicated subjective entity with many faces. The Bible projects four types of love which two (Philia and Agape) are the most we as Christians should prioritize in our relationship with God.

  16. Our Gift From God by lareina morgan  
    We need a savior, Jesus Christ the real ruler of the world, to help us cope with our lives and deal with our weaknesses, so why are some people rejecting God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ?

  17. The Power of Twelve by Jerry Ousley  
    Twelve years - two very different stories

  18. Mindful of His Presence by Dudley Anderson  
    ?When the enemy of God?s designs attempts to distract you with his commotion and confusion, stop and look to Jesus.?

  19. The God Who Sees and Acts by Tesh Njokanma  
    There?s a God who sees you. He sees everything you are going through, everything you need, everything you are struggling with.

  20. COMFORT FOR THE BROKEN-HEARTED by linzy bruno  
    "Therefore comfort one another with these words." (1Thessalonians 4:18)

  21. How to Turn Your Back on God by Jerry Ousley  
    Why would any one want to do it?

  22. Holified by the Spirit by Dudley Anderson  
    ?When I confess my sin, the Father forgives me because of the blood of the Son and the indwelling Holy Spirit cleanses me of my sin. Therefore, I will no longer live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.?

  23. SHEEP AMONG WOLVES by Ramona Cook  
    (but not as it appears!)

  24. Your Citizenship by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Every Christian should not see himself as a citizen of this world because he will surely depart one day to his home in Heaven. Are one of us? Join us today and you will not regret it.

  25. The Cost of Discipleship by Ken Barnes  
    The German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, "Only he who believes is obedient, and only he who is obedient believes,"

  26. When God Points His Finger by Jerry Ousley  
    God has fingers too

  27. Praise is an Act of Obedience by Dudley Anderson  
    ?Praise is affirmative. Praise is assertive. Praise is prayer accomplished. Praise fixes our gaze beyond the need and says, ?Job done!??

  28. THE VIRTUOUS WIFE by linzy bruno  
    "......a virtuous wife is more valuable than rubies, a blessing to her husband, able to use her...."

  29. A Continual Feast by Jerry Ousley  
    How can we have a continual feast with God?

  30. A Baptist Church Bell In China by Rik Charbonneaux  
    The amazing story of the 90-year survival of a Baptist church bell in communist China.


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