Christian Articles for All of your Publishing Needs!

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  1. When God speaks by Andrey Karmanskiy  
    'When God speaks' is the non-fiction story once happened to the author when he was a child. Personal experiences combined with amazing events and inexplicable signs from above make the story interesting not only for children but for everyone seeking sense in life...

  2. When God speaks by Andrey Karmanskiy  
    'When God speaks' is the non-fiction story once happened to the author when he was a child. Personal experiences combined with amazing events and inexplicable signs from above make the story interesting not only for children but for everyone seeking sense in life...

  3. Ode to the Worms by jack Doepke  
    Funny Story

  4. Book Writing and Baby Birthing by Deborah Brunt  
    Bringing forth a viable book -- or any other work that is living, breathing and life-giving -- requires waiting and cooperating with God through the whole gestation period, however long he designates it to be.

  5. Is writing Christian speculative and scientific fiction wrong? by Marie Grossett  
    Before I came into this industry I was very wary about reading Christian speculative (thrillers, mystery, fantasy) and scientific based books, simply because they weren't 'holy' enough for me.

  6. Who Makes a Great Writing Mentor? by Bob Valleau  
    More than just teaching someone else how to write well, incorporate these key ingredients for a rewarding mentoring relationship.

  7. Caught when young. by Elisabeth Puruto  
    This is an article setting out how writing has been part of my life - on and off.

  8. What Is a Christian Writer? by Bob Valleau  
    Are you called, by God, to write for Him? What does it take to be a Christan writer? Gain insight into the exciting -- and satisfying -- field of Christian writing.

  9. Plight of Christian Authors by Olabisi Obideyi  
    The Plight of Christian Authors is the inspirational story of a Christian author turned publisher following her daunting experience in the Christian book-publishing world. The book is an excellent source of encouragement for Christian writers and Christians in general.

  10. The Bench by Richard Rice  
    "What would you give up for love?" the stranger asked. How would you answer? Maybe more important: what did the stranger give up for love?

  11. THE WRITER by Datzy Huchetzton  
    Writers are the natural rulers of the world,because they are the one that tell all men about his world.

  12. " WHAT ABOUT LIFE " by Godwin Luba  
    That life is as a result or a product of scientific cum biological evolution is not only a vain scientific babbling but also a serious satanic deception.

  13. HOW TO WRITE BETTER by Dr Surya Kumar Daimari  
    Writing is precisely a delicate art and indeed a fastidious skill. This skill is not born with the man but earned through strenuous effort only. The hallmark of a good writing depends upon how you paint your thoughts, ideas or feelings in the minds of another. A piece of good writing can become a piece of good literature. Literature is not only a history of mankind but also a creation of beauty and truth, a creation of human passion, emotion, love, joy, sorrow, anger, sympathy etc.

  14. The Use of an Agent by Marie Grossett  
    With so many different publishing methods, it's no wonder why writers often ask me what is the use of an agent, since the traditional publishing methods are slowly evaporating.

  15. Don't take it personally by Marie Grossett  
    Maureen had just finished the last chapter of her manuscript. She was so pleased with it that in her eyes nothing was wrong with it. She wanted to share this excitement with someone so she got her friend to read it.

  16. How Do You Find Your Voice? by Dorcas Graham  
    When I hear people talk about finding their voice, it sounds like a mysterious process where they sit very still, eyes closed and channel in that spirit which reveals the profound and peculiar. To some, maybe it does, but it doesn't have to be this way. You see, you don't exactly find your voice, no more than you find your personality. It's already a part of you.

  17. Writing Sexual Scenes- For the Christian Writer by Marie Grossett  
    "Oh brother how am I going to write this?" Maggie thought, "My characters are about to make love and I don't want to write too explicit. Maybe I should just type they make love but in fiction you must show and not tell what am I going to do?"

  18. Writing non fiction by Marie Grossett  
    As a published author who has written a fiction and nonfiction book I find writing nonfiction a lot easier.

  19. Writing Fiction by Marie Grossett  
    I love writing, reading, and critiquing fiction stories. With fiction you can stretch your imagination; you are in your own world in a sense.

  20. The Unfinished Manuscript by Marie Grossett  
    'How is your story going?' I asked a friend recently who was writing a children's book.

    'Oh I haven't written anything in weeks I just haven't had the time, I've got so many ideas as well.'

  21. Different Publishing Methods by Marie Grossett  
    'There are different publishing methods,' I hear you thinking.

  22. Two heads are better than one! by Marie Grossett  
    The writerâs world can often be described as a lonely existence. The only company you share is with the computer or your notepad.

  23. The Book Process by Marie Grossett  
    'I don't need to read this article I know all about the book process.' You think to yourself as you look at the title of this article. 'Once I finish the manuscript I just submit it to a publisher.' You might want to read this before you click away from this article.

  24. The Writer's Block by Marie Grossett  
    You have just finished typing or scribbling a chapter to your book. You are so pleased with yourself because your creative juices were flowing, writing that chapter was a breeze.

  25. Bestselling authors advice for the aspiring writer by Marie Grossett  
    You sit in front of your computer getting ready to write your next chapter then you start to feel discouraged. You really want to make it as an author but wonder if you ever will.

  26. Coping with rejection by Publishers and Literary Agents by Marie Grossett  
    It's been over two months since you've been submitting your manuscript to traditional publishers or a Literary Agent.

  27. Starting That Book by Marie Grossett  
    Your imagination has been running wild with what you believe could be the next best seller.

    You take out your pen and notepad or your laptop then you freeze. Your mind goes blank, fear starts to creep in; 'This is a silly idea' you start thinking 'Me an author.'

  28. The Fun of Writing � a blog of information by Richard L. Provencher  
    Someone asked me one day, "Why would anyone read anything I have to say"? I explained, in my way of thinking, there are three stages for writing anything.

  29. PATIENCE,A MUST HAVE VIRTUE!! by Lady Pearl Mills  
    Patience, is a must have virtue and i believe its a virtue that all must strive to have.

  30. Christian Writing Contests with prizes by Michael Edwards  
    FaithWriters offers weekly and monthly Christian writing contests and much more. Thousands of members and many tools to help you grow as a Christian Writer.


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