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  1. Let's Play Jeopardy! by sandra snider  
    Play a game of Jeopardy to find out what's been one of the best spiritual investments we've ever made.

  2. 10 Things You Should Know About Orphan Ministry by Craig Greenfield  
    Interested in working with orphans? Read this first - the top ten things you need to consider before getting started.

  3. Going with the Gospel by   
    Going with the Gospel, reaching the world for Jesus. One street at a time.

    mending the broken world, restoring the divine human

  5. Let's Help the Missionaries by Tonja Taylor  
    Several ways to help missionaries spread the Word of God throughout the world.

  6. Labor in Vain by Irvin Rozier  
    Are you working and see no results?

  7. Obadiah's Message by dub W  
    Futuristic - Old man seeks to spread the gospel.

  8. Guerilla Missionaries by dub W  
    Young man recruited for a special missionary project.

  9. Reality's Twisted Fist and Outstretched Hand by Peter Falconero  
    How poverty became palpable and is altering my stay in Bangladesh. My response to the predicament. Pauper demands and what Christ commands.

  10. My Plea by Vivian May Edwards  
    An earnest plea, for all those who have not yet received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. A heartfelt plea for them to make that choice to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and to secure their eternal destiny in heaven once and for all.

  11. Hope For The Hopeless by John Urs  
    The only answer for a desperate world can be found only in Jesus Christ.

  12. What is my friendship with the world costing me? by Jenny Smith  
    On my recent trip to Mexico, God used it to open my eyes to an area I need to commit to work on, friendships with the world.

  13. What God Wants the Whole World to Know by Vivian May Edwards  
    What God wants the whole world to know in a nut-shell. This poem speaks of Gods love and His perfect plan through sending His Son, Jesus to pay for the sins of the world. This poem was inspired by a sermon given by: Dr. Michael Youssef, Pastor of; The Church of the Apostles, Atlanta, GA.

  14. To the Ends of the Earth by Linda Watson Owen  
    The call to carry the Gospel to the whole world is one we must not neglect to fulfill. This is a powerfullly moving sermon in verse from the point of view of God Himself. The first stanza is, "Oh, Church, you hold a treasure trove! Blessings unending lay in your hold. What are you doing with blessings given? Storing them up to take to Heaven?"

  15. Can I let go of my list? by Jenny Smith  
    Why am I so afraid to go on a missions trip? Could it be my list?

  16. Room Service for the Least of These by Al Boyce  
    By simply opening up motel rooms so the homeless can take showers, we are showing the love of Jesus in a tangible way.

  17. Present Your Body by Jacquelyn Horne  
    Sarri needed to find God's will in her life. Was she doing the right thing? Going in the right direction for God's perfect will?

  18. Endless Regret by Vivian May Edwards  
    A lament from a soul, eternally lost in hell, separated from Jesus forever and ever. Thought provoking for those who are lost forever without Christ.

  19. Cheering from the Sidelines by Al Boyce  
    Our missions strategy is upside down.

  20. From Death to Life by Jan Ross  
    A new missionary struggles with the call and the difficult circumstances of the impoverished land.

  21. Abigail VonSchleshinger by Jan Ross  
    A fictional poetic rendering of a young woman called to serve in the mission field. She heeded the call and served till her dying day, impacting countless people for Christ.

  22. Listen Closely by Jan Ross  
    Writer's first-hand experience in Kenya birthed this poetic view of a medical mission in a horribly impoverished area.

  23. Baba Yetu Uliye Mginguni by Jan Ross  
    Ambokile, the son of the Ikanga (witch doctor) of an African tribe was pursued by evil after he accepted Jesus as his personal Savior. A deeply stirring story culminating in a miraculous rescue.

  24. Approaches to Church Planting by Patrick Oden  
    Understanding the missions context of our own country radically affects how we view church planting and ministry.

  25. I Love the Rains in Africa! by Donna Haug  
    There is nothing like hearing the rains pouring down in Africa. Depending on your perspective, it may be unforgettable.

  26. Petals of Love by Tracy Roberts  
    The obscure missionary in some of us.

  27. Just a Step Away GFR by Rev. Will. Harrison Jr.  
    Did you know that our world is literally filled with people whose lives are being lived in such a way as though they are “Just A Step Away”, or “just a word or deed or event away” from completely losing it, and going over the edge into flipping out, involuntary deep depression, panic attacks, suicide, murder, despair, addictions, etc. and so on.

  28. A Glimpse at Modern Missions by   
    This article depicts the changes that are taking place in today's missions. Changes in stratgy and practical applications. Also, the effect of electronic communications in this field.

  29. THE MAN IN THE PARK by Suellen Fry  
    My trip to the park on this particular day turned out to be a peculiar visit. As my little boy swung on the monkey bars little did I know the mission I was on. The lord had guided me here for a different reason today! Today I would find out how radical the Lord really was. Today I would find out how the Lord would use me as a vessel to tell of his love to a common drunk.

  30. In The Lap of the gods. by   
    Written with great passion, this article reveals true life incidents and exposes some of the degrading rituals behind idol worship in India. The appalling truth is followed by a heart-felt cry to pray for the salvation of India's blinded people.


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