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  1. Hope & Healing: When Your Spouse Dies by Theresa Vogel Millward  
    What do you do when your spouse dies? Whether it is suddenly or gradually, death of a spouse can leave you shocked, devastated, and lost. There are no cookie cutter solutions for grief and loss, but there is hope, help, and healing.

  2. The Mind, Body, and Soul Connection by Jim Schicatano  
    The human soul and the physical body are mysteriously intertwined. Affect one and it will affect the other.

  3. As Darkness Falls by louis gander  
    Some say that no
    one's perfect so,
    "it doesn't matter much".
    But that's not what the Savior said with cross and thorns and such.

  4. Souls by louis gander  
    Although their minds are thinking,
    although their bodies fed,
    although their hearts are beating -
    their souls? Completely dead.

  5. Slips Away by louis gander  
    We think we have life figured out.
    We give opinions, argue, shout -
    but step back from that vast array
    when all we held just slips away.

  6. There is Hope! by Ramona Cook  
    We need Hope for living and for dying. God has made provision for both of those experiences.

  7. Late... by Olawale Ogunsola  
    To obtain a title involves lots of preparations. How ready are you to obtain the title "Late..."? This comes after death.

  8. Leaping Bound by PamFord Davis  
    "We are kindred through new birth; each member is a part of the body of Christ."

  9. With His Remaining Breath by louis gander  
    I pity such a person who
    has no room in his heart -
    for God or love or charity -
    who fin'lly falls apart.

  10. Refined Southern Quilter by PamFord Davis  
    "A cherished friend who enjoyed quilting recently passed from death to life everlasting."

  11. A Life Well Lived by Cathleen Magaw  
    "He is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, in Him do I put my trust" - my Aunt's final testimony.

  12. Plus One Minus One by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Do you love Arithmetic or calculations? Whatever your interest, there is a calculation you must be interested in. It depicts wisdom.

    Most people fear death itself
    But what should be feared
    Is where they go after death

    A Christless death is an eternal tragedy!
    No hope! No relief! No remedy!

    The thought of that alone makes me tremble
    Again, dying outside Christ is so terrible!

  14. Three Graves and a Prayer by Jim Schicatano  
    God, death, suffering, and faith. What is the purpose of our lives?

  15. Public Enemy Number 1 by Alan Allegra  
    Sitting in my favorite writing chair, I morosely recall it was exactly one week ago that we took our sick kitty down the Last Mile to be relieved of her suffering. It has also been five hours since we signed a purchase agreement for a new vehicle, consigning my 17-year-old car to the ash heap of history. Furry friend or Japanese jalopy, all reach their end.

  16. New Life Begins by louis gander  
    It's not about death.
    It's about life... eternal.

  17. Pretend by louis gander  
    I slammed the door on all those things
    I'd just as soon forget -
    but stubborn guilt had gripped me so
    and hadn't left me yet.

  18. Then They Played Taps by Frances J. Harvey, C.P.C.  
    After the flag was removed, there was just a plain gray box! Nothing fancy, no carvings, no beautiful wood, no gold or silver. Almost as plain as he came in the world...he went out. For a brief second I thought, "Open the box and prove to me he's in there!" But I knew he was.

    Next there was a gun salute - they brought her the 3 shells! As I looked at them in my mothers hands it reminded me of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. It also was a symbol of how our bodies are just a shell and when we die, they are emptied and it's our spirit and soul that live for eternity..."if we believe". A small glimpse of peace came. It is going to be alright!

  19. When Death Doesn't Take A Holiday by Dennis Miranda  
    What happens when a loved one passes away right before a major holiday? How do you respond? Will things ever be the same afterwards?

  20. Our Life by Elsie Schuett Flynn  
    Dear You,

    You know, I look back on our life kind-of-like riding the back-roads, cruising around like all the locals did. Before we were us, we rode with our moms and dads in their cars. Then, we got out of their cars, became us, and got our own car. How blissful; it was just you and me. Just us.

  21. By the Bushel by louis gander  
    Two weeks and a day since mom passed away.
    Tomorrow will be yet another.
    Tears run down my cheeks each time someone speaks
    and mentions my dear ol' mother.

  22. Perfect Mom (in Heaven), The by louis gander  
    The vivid 'reds' are deeper and the 'yellows' brighter still.
    The roses, and the daffodils and other flowers fill -
    the contours of the garden knolls with colored trees of fall.
    The sunshine brightens everything ...and now I see it all.

  23. The Mighty Ship by louis gander  
    Oh, the contrast between the physical and the spiritual...
    The brand new car, the hand-held game
    or other things we chose,
    the TV set, the picture frame
    or nice designer clothes,

  24. Calling all Preachers, Teachers and Writers by Ramona Cook  
    Death is not the thing we like to think about. It is however, a reality we cannot escape.

  25. GOODBYE MANDELA and THANK YOU by Dr. Henderson Ward  
    Not too often in history along comes a man that really makes a difference. Even if you are unacquainted with Nelson Mandela the fact that he lived mattered to humanity.

  26. Where Do We Go When We Die? by Wayne Childress  
    We should be wary of those who contend on issues that are not central to our following Jesus; but, that does not mean we should discussing such issues. Death will come to us all so it is natural to ponder such things.

  27. Grandpa's Wisdom by louis gander  
    Before the jets, before the planes,
    before the cars and traffic lanes,
    before genetics changed our corn,
    before the IRS was even born,
    before CD's and movie stars,
    before the rover got to mars -
    was born a man, a little tot,
    who endured much, but learned a lot.

  28. One More Day by louis gander  
    Excellent sermon poem. (my poems are packed with thought-provoking information, so please read it slowly).

  29. Know It All by louis gander  
    Do you know what? Our minds are shut,
    when we hear Jesus call.
    A life of ease - and then Hades.
    We think we know it all.

  30. The Human Machine by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Maintenance is important to increase the lifespan of any machine. So it is with man. However, every man will expire no matter the rate or extent of his maintenance.


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