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A Modern Christmas Miracle

by Elizabeth Marks  
1/05/2007 / Miracles

Miracles come in different packages. Some miracles may simply be someone showing up at an appropriate time to help. Others might be obedience to Gods prompting resulting in a blessing for someone who needed it.

I wanted to share my story of a Christmas miracle that happened when we adopted-a-family at Christmas time. Usually, the family is a single mother, raising multiple kids on her own. However, this year was starting to look like we missed the opportunity to help.

We got off to a late start and didnt contact our church as early as we normally do. I called the church anyway and hoped there was still time. Unfortunately, the woman at church explained, the program had closed and all families on the list were already matched up with folks to provide for them. However she said, Ill take your name and number, just in case we get another call.

I was disappointed we hadnt called earlier, but God is so good. He arranged everything. You see, at the very moment I was speaking with the woman at church, another woman was leaving a voice mail message saying she needed assistance. Within the next hour, I received a phone call from our church saying there was someone who needed help! God knew our heart and desire to give even though it was last minute on our part He arranged the circumstance to allow us to bless someone. But thats not the best part!

When I visited with Carol, the woman we were providing for, she had told me about her miracle. Earlier that day, Carol was in the parking lot of the small apartment complex where she lived. She happened to be talking with a neighbor about her dire situation, while standing behind a parked car. She didnt know at the time, there was a woman sitting in the parked car, waiting to back out of the parking space. After some time went by, Carol finally saw she was keeping this woman from leaving and quickly ran to her car window to apologize for delaying her.

The woman in the car said No worries. Im supposed to give this to you and she handed Carol a scrap of paper with Saddleback Churchs phone number on it. Carol thanked the woman and stepped back allowing her to back out of the parking space. Carol had never heard of Saddleback Church, but decided to call them anyway.

Back in her apartment, with her three kids and two little dogs, she called the number. Not knowing what she would say really, except that she needed help, the phone rang and rang and rang. Finally, she received a voice mail message saying to leave her information and someone would get back to her, which she did. She let out a sign, figuring it was probably too late anyway and went about her business.

Carol was so surprised when I called her just a couple hours later! I explained our plan for provision and made arrangements to meet her later that evening. My 12 year old son and I went to meet Carol and her kids around 8pm that night. When we met we embraced and the tears of gratefulness began to flow. Carol was amazed at what God had done! I was thankful to be used to convey Gods blessing to her and her family.

Its a beautiful thing being used by God. Listening to His prompting and following through. You just never know who will be blessed by your obedience. In this case, we were able to bless a struggling single mom and her three kids. In return, we were blessed knowing they would have a Merry Christmas after all.

Copyright Elizabeth Marks, author of ThinkOnIt Devotions, has a heart for encouraging believers with God's Word. Please visit for more devotions, bible studies, book reviews and more!

Article Source: WRITERS

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