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Five Hours of Sleep a Night Outrageous Ideas on Sex Before Marriage Series
by Marijo Phelps
3/24/2010 / Dating
I had always been an eight to nine hours of sleep a night girl, less than that and I didn't function. I was a heck of a wreck or a mess. It had been this way all my life and I was not in my 30s and not getting any younger. SO what in the world was happening?
Mick and I were engaged to be married, taking long walks in the evenings combined with talking, praying, laughing and seeing friends at Youth With A Mission in Texas. AND I was still bouncing out of bed at zero dark thirty in the morning even before the alarm went off, not tired or draggy but totally exhilarated! And this wasn't an occasional day but week in and week out.
We wanted to get siding on the little prayer chapel which was over by the platform on the lake where we planned an outside wedding. Our thoughts being the chapel needed siding and it would look so much better in the wedding photos if it was "dressed for the occasion". Mick was a carpenter and I was my daddy's daughter, having used a hammer since I was six years old.
"Hold what you've got" I heard the words but had no idea what that wonderful Texan wanted me to do with the LONG and increasingly heavy piece of siding I was attached to at the other end of the chapel from my fiance.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Hold what you've got"
OK. I wouldn't have asked for clarification if I understood Texan in the first place "honey, I heard every word you said but have no clue what you'd like me to do with this piece of siding"
"You are just fine. Just keep doing what you're doing while I get this end nailed down"
That I could understand. It was over 100 degrees and the humidity was its usual 99% - we were being buzzed and dive bombed by more huge stinging things than I had ever seen growing up in Minnesota. Wasps, mud daubers, bumble bees and many "critters" I didn't know the names of. Betsey bugs, rolly pollies, ant lions and stink bugs were just a few that Mick had taught me about ion some of our walks.
Did I mention he was a local boy, born and raised within a few miles of the YWAM Ranch? I was OK just so long as none of those insects thought I looked like lunch or a good place to test their stingers.
We finished the siding in a couple of times of work after our regular days work. I had slivers from the first times when I forgot to wear work gloves and a much better idea of what Mick's daily work entailed.
The chapel looked wonderful. Looking back at the wedding photos there was not one of them which even got the chapel in the picture
More Biblical teaching on relationships:
I John 4:17-19
17 Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. 19 We love Him because He first loved us.
Consequences of sexual involvement before marriage continued:
V. God will avenge the defrauder.
W. Sex before marriage leads to rebellion against parents and those in authority.
Y. The degree that you have rebellions attitudes towards your authorities is the degree that your flesh drives will be able to overpower you. Take control over attitudes towards authorities. The first authority is the Word of God. Overcome ATTITUDES rather than behavior repent and submit or the enemy will use that to manipulate you into sin.
Again ALL sex outside of marriage is sin.
Sex is any physical involvement before marriage: heavy "making out", petting or intercourse. As singles we can be complete only in Jesus. Marriage does NOT complete us. Our companion is to accent our life and ministry.
Z. Sex before marriage destroys spiritual hunger and drive. It decreases the praying you do with your companion, your own prayer time, your time in the Word and time in fellowship.
"doctrines of demons and seducing spirits" (in the last days) IF you are enslaved to your sex drive instead of the Holy Spirit.
Agape love doesn't change no matter what mood a person is in the object of your love is still the object of your agape love.
1 Timothy 4:1-3 (New King James Version)The Great Apostasy Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron..
Some of these writings are based on a lecture series called Sex and Dating by Dale Crall and are used with his permission. Thank you Dale!
There are many more articles in this series if you enjoyed this one you might want to read the others!
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(C) Marijo Phelps all rights reserved. Use with proper credits.
About Self
Saved by His grace in 1974, from 9 years of professing atheism into His loving arms. RN for 23 years, missionary with YWAM then statistical analyst for Every Home for Christ over 9 years. Living with my husband in the middle of a mountain meadow. GRIN! Wanting to spread the good news
Article Source: WRITERS
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