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The Horizon - A Man and a Woman

by Brian Passe  
1/08/2011 / Marriage

Men conquer worlds - women civilize them.

There is a God given link between a man and a woman. It runs deep within each of their souls. God's creation of this relationship is recorded in Genesis 2:23:

This is now bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh.
She shall be called Woman
Because she was taken out of Man (NKJV).

In our contemporary times, some condemn such a description of the love between a man and a woman. They seek offense in the notion that woman came from man - who was created by God. Scripture tells us God is above all. It records that a man and a woman strengthen each other as companions in His plan for their lives.

A man looks across the horizon, knowing that a woman stands firmly at his side. He will go towards that horizon, and there will be many in their lives, knowing that the purpose of his life will stay for his return. Whether it is an ocean, desert or cause - he is drawn to the horizon by a primal urge. It may be curiosity, prosperity, or an unknown desire; he is drawn to the horizon's siren call. He casts his vision across the expanse of time. He will cross the horizon with her in his heart. It is her strength that allows him to move forward.

He knows that home is his wife. She will always be there for his return. Both are pained by the separation, but they draw strength from the natural order of things. He is compelled to conquer the new world - she to civilize it. The horizon has dangers, and may demand long separations. Though separated by distance, they share adversity together with their souls. Each night, looking at the stars, he knows she sees the same panorama of awe. She looks to the sky, certain he will find his way home.

The horizon is not of more value than her. It has value only because of her. He may return with profit, stories and new dreams of adventure. She will welcome him with comfort, love and affirmation of his hopes. Their time together may be short or long. Together, however, time slows and their souls are filled with the oneness that God gave them. Another challenge, adversity or adventure has come to an end. Their love is renewed and reinforced.

They know another separation will come. The horizon will sing and charm him. But for now, they are together. The future will come, but God has given them this moment.

I've lived with chronic pain all my life. My writing is often about living a full life with pain. Saved by God's grace in 1993 has opened up my life to the love of a Godly wife and the assurance of a new body when I cross the threshold of eternity.

Article Source: WRITERS

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