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Seven loaves

by Victoria Nwosu  
3/24/2007 / Miracles

Dear friends

As I knelt to pray on Friday morning I felt the lord say to me, "do you know that while you are asking me questions I too am replying by asking you questions that actually bring the answer to your own questions". He led me to mark 8:4-6, Jesus disciples asked him. "How are we suppose to find enough food for them here in the wilderness?" "How many loaves do you have?" Jesus asked. "Seven," they replied.

Behold that was the answer to their questions, I guess they reluctantly gave the answer "Seven" because perhaps to them, that was no clue to the answer of their question, that was why they must have specified exactly the amount available so that Jesus would be sure of what they meant they sincerely meant "seven" and there were over 4,000 people there at that time.

But glory be to the miracle working Jesus, that was the perfect answer he needed and he said to the crowd "Sit down on the ground" and he fed them with Seven loaves, Seven loaves was indeed the answer to the question of his friends.

I see Jesus answering your questions today by asking "What do you have at hand?" Remember that what you do with what you have now affects your tomorrow. Why not give it all to Jesus and trust this miracle worker, he is still working today. Jesus in mindful of you.


I am Victoria Nwosu, by Gods grace I have been blessed with a gift of writting and i intend to bless lives with that. my website adress is

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