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Contact Ponugupati Solomon Herme
by Ponugupati Solomon Herme
6/29/2011 / Missions
P. Solomon Herme
A system may be considered to be the region of matter on which attention is focused. Every system has a boundary and anything external to it is considered to be its environment. The term ISOLATED SYSTEM is defined as a system which has no inter-action with its surroundings and such systems are usually dealt with in thermo-dynamics. It can be seen that some students become ISOLATED SYSTEMS after their re-birth, in as much as they keep away from their unbelieving friends. The reasons could be as follows:
1. Lack of proper interpretation of the scriptures:
Some scripture portions (James 4:4; II Cor 6:14) warn us about making friendship with the world. But this does not mean that a believer should form an isolated system.
2. Lack of proper teaching in Christian homes:
In most of the Christian families, parents instruct their children not to make friends with people of other communities.
3. Lack of love towards sinners:
The believer tends to have a "Holier-than-thou" attitude and looks down on students who are drunkards, smokers, eve-teasers, gamblers, drug addicts, etc., and he forgets that once he, too, was in the same situation before conversion.
4. Frog-in the well attitude:
Believers tend to form their own groups and the interaction with students other than believers becomes minimal.
These are some of the reasons for forming "ISOLATED SYSTEM OF BELIEVERS" in the campus.
Let us think of our own campus situation and consider our attitude towards a believing friend and an unbeliever. Don't we find a difference in our attitude? Let us consider Jesus, how great was His-love towards the sinner! He was prepared to talk to the adulterous Samaritan woman, but then he never condoned her sin. He loved Zacchaeus who was well known for his corruption. In short, Jesus moved about with sinners on many occasions; yet he remained sinless.
In our campuses we need students who will follow the example set by Jesus. We need students who will pray for the sinners, convey to them the good news of our Lord Jesus through friendship evangelism and will lead a blameless life.
May I appeal to my reader friends to start making friends with the non-believers around us so that they may know the love of Christ. When we do this we may become a target of accusation for the believers. Let us not worry about it. Even the Pharisees accused Jesus for moving about with sinners. But as we do this, let us remember that Jesus never compromised with sin. We also should never compromise with our friends with respect to our faith. It is essential that our life and testimony should make an impact on our friends.
Let me resolve not be ISOLATED SYSTEM but GOAHEAD with "friendship evangelism because friendship evangelism is the most suitable method for campus atmosphere in winning souls for Christ".
Ponugupati. Solomon Herme. [email protected]
Ps: Originally published in "Our Link" Magazine (July-Agust'89 issue) of Union of Evangelical Students of India.
Ponugupati. Solomon Herme
Article Source: WRITERS
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