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Same Sex Marriage A Sin By Any Other Name

by Dan Wafford  
6/29/2011 / Marriage

There is increasingly strident pressure from the "gay rights" movement to legalize "same-sex marriage."

I put "same-sex marriage" in quotes, because there really is no such thing, nor can there ever be.

God created the principal of one man and one woman joining together to create the core of a family.

Two men or two women can live together; they can even make pledges to one another -- but that does not constitute a marriage, any more than two dogs or two cats living together would be a marriage.

Marriage is, by God's sovereign authority, defined as one man and one woman in covenant with one another. God sanctioned this state by joining those who honor His holy covenant into one being. How does He accomplish this? We don't know. We only have His word that He does. Without this sanction from God and the accompanying miracle of the union of two into one, there cannot be a "marriage."

The gay rights community wants to change the definition of marriage to include pledges between same sex couples. That is not their prerogative, nor is it the prerogative of any state or national government. Anyone who wishes to do so can define the oceans dry or declare that the earth is flat. Saying it or redefining it according to one's personal desires does not make it true.

Despite the claims and denials of many, the Bible couldn't possibly be clearer about the issue of homosexuality: " If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death" (Leviticus 20:13).

Please don't try to argue this issue with me: I didn't say it; God said it. If you want to dispute the point, then your argument is with Him.

Legitimizing same-sex unions under any name is a very dangerous precedent to set. Once this has been accomplished, and the issue no longer provides a lever for Satan to use against God and His children, then the deceiver will move on to greener pastures.

And what would be next? Certainly those perverts who practice bestiality will want "equality" with the gays, just as the gays want "equality" with those who respect God's laws. I can hear the arguments now: "I love my dog just as much as any human loves another human, so why should I be denied the right to legitimize my relationship?"

And then, of course, pedophiles will begin to lobby that it's unfair to deny them legitimate relationships when they have been granted to homosexuals and those who practice bestiality. "Just because my girlfriend is only 11 doesn't mean that I can't love her just as much as if she were 18."

Any step away from God's perfect law is covered with the slime of sin, no matter how small it may seem at the time it's taken. Once started down that slippery slope, whether an individual or a society, it's very difficult to turn back.

Sexual sin is particularly insidious. The marriage union was designed by God to reflect the purity and faithfulness of the relationship between God and His children: we Christians are Christ's Bride, and it is His will that She not have "spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that (she) should be holy and without blemish" (Ephesians 5:27). Joining oneself sexually to anyone other than God-sanctioned husband or wife viciously damages the person and the person's relationship with God. Such an act arrogantly scorns God's law and His sovereignty over His creation.

Dan Wafford lives in beautiful coastal Georgia. He holds a BS in Civil Engineering from Oklahoma State University and an MBA from Stanford University. He writes Christian articles, essays, songs and books, as well as novels and popular music. His book The DiVine Code, which reveals details of encoded messages in the Bible, is currently available at More information about The DiVine Code is available at

Article Source: WRITERS

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