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the life i have lived so far
by sethabela l JACOB
10/06/2011 / Writing
since i started knowing the importance of life
i made it my mission that
i will defeat any situation that may occur in my life no matter how bad cold or hard it may be
i told myself that i want only to be known as an archiver
i only want to be known as a succeder
for i dont want to bring shame anywhere near my family
for i dont want my family to be ashamed of me
for i want my family not only to be proud of me but to praise me
for i wanted my family to take notice of my vission
so far the little that i have accomplished in life
never did i get a support or motivation from the same people i want to be proud of me
never did the people that want to be proud of me once believd in me
for each anevry thing that i have accomplished never was enough in thier eyes
for nothing that i have accomplished did even once made them proud
and they wont want to know the blood tears and sweat that i went through to get the thing that i have
they would at least be ahamed that they never played a vital role to make sure that the award i get at least partly is because of them
and they wouldnt mind to tell me that what i ahve accomplished is what each and every man could accomplish
for thee i know that they have lost hope in my dreams
for thee i know that they have lost courage in my potential
and for as far as i could see
i saw that it takes one wrong to erase all the rights but it takes too many rights to cover up one wrong
for i know that the life i have lived so far
not even once did i make the peolple that i share daily meals and laughtter with proud
for i never was perfecty before their eyes
never am i good enough before them
and never will i be good enough before their eyes
they gave up on me the moment i was born
they gave up on my dreams the moment i woke up
they gave up on my vision the moment they were aware that i can see
Article Source: WRITERS
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