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Why Do I Write about Life?
by Melissa Martin
10/27/2011 / Writing
Why Do I Write About Life?
Life is a subjective enigma. That's what I've discovered. Albeit, age and wisdom travel together and in the course of my forty-six years on planet earth, I've constructed and reconstructed my version of truth and reality. As knowledge and experience evolve, so does my perception of meaning-making. As my inner and outer entity expands, I perceive further and farther. I guess what I'm trying to say is I am constantly changing how I think, how I feel, and how I respond. My life script is being written and rewritten as I greet each sunrise and sunset. I chase authenticity, but I'm not sure if I'll ever catch it. Living is a dynamic process full of joy and sorrow, victory and defeat, and other stuff in between.
Every person is a story and has a story; narratives composed of happenings and memories in seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years. Moments that blend in and moments that stand out. What happens between birth and death is my unique story and yours as well. Then again, there is a tale of conception (before birth) and the eternal afterlife (following death). The meanings of our stories shift, alter, and change based on the transformation of our cognitive belief systems, attitudes, experiences, and so forth. The stories we live by contain our essence.
What is one of the noteworthy pearls of wisdom from me to you? Relationships. That's right. We are all connected via relationships. Life is a continuous story of relationship building with others; unbroken and broken. It's not about power, prestige, and privilege. It's about self-awareness and other-awareness. People are the most valuable resource.
Why do I write? Thinking, processing, writing, are forms of expressive therapy for me. Reflecting on the meaning of life's experiences and scribbling my thoughts is an exercise in spirituality as well. Writing is a powerful comforter when I am experiencing intense emotions. Zeal for writing drives me to record memories. Communication is a means of sharing the content of our souls with self and others. The emotional impact and the tranquil serenity of experiencing words are akin to the healing process.
Recently, I experienced the deaths of several individuals and as a result I am changed. Prior, my personal boundaries were too rigid and I did not share much about myself with others. I am changing this as well. I don't want to die and leave things unsaid.
My passion and purpose is to capture moments experience them, reflect upon them, and put them into the language of words. And words like relationships are meant to be shared.
Melissa writes about the God and human connection and condition.
Article Source: WRITERS
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