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broken heart made whole again
by karen inChrist
12/07/2011 / Writing
You were living the best of your life and most importantly waiting for the best to come. And as you were waiting everything looked clear to your sight, everything your dreams and your very plans that your heart without your own knowledge keeps building. And one day a storm comes and shakes your whole life and you are completely wounded and confused. You don't see what you used to see when you hit the reality. And it's the most painful moment, when you face reality. You try to escape the pain and escape the scene, but no, you can't, you are just besieged by the realities that pierce you even deeper. It pushes you so hard that you feel you'll never get up. All you want is this time to pass away. You want something that had comfort you. Now it's a phase where nothing is clear but everything is vague and you are confused. You find yourself in a state where you stay still, torn and broken. Your heart says "i surrender, i can't anymore", and you lie there in dark wounded, unaware of what is happening in and around you. Everything is out of your hands, your friends, even your dearest fail to put your broken pieces together. And you want your brokenness to be acknowledged by somebody and your silent tears to be heard by someone. And you are ignorant of where to look and whom to turn. You know when people are in pain they talk about Jesus. But how would you? You don't even see Him. You don't even feel Him. And in this pain it takes a whole strength to believe that someone called Jesus, a Holy God, would help you when you are snowed under your sins. You think yourself an unworthy, hence one last hope too seems dead. But there lies a mystery behind which you do not see but someone very special is very faithful to show it to you. This mystery is the characteristics of Jesus Himself, who is compassionate and not angry. He's the one who is understanding and not ignorant. The one who might be invisible to you but is loving, tender, concerned about you, all ready to share your pain and carry you into His arms. He doesn't ask you anything in return but lets you present your heart so He can make it whole again. Your joy is made complete in Him no matter how broken you are. You shall see His grace poured down from heaven above and you see the light. The light for which dark itself is light. He made all these possible right at the cross, with your nil contributions in it. And there you stand freed of all sorrows and pain. And in His love you have the peace that cannot be shaken by any of the circumstances, your brokenness, broken dreams and plans. All His lovely characteristics you taste for free. The bible says in Galatians 5:22 the fruit of the Spirit (God is) is LOVE, JOY, PEACE, KINDNESS, GENEROSITY, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS AND SELF CONTROL. All these come in your heart the very moment you accept His love in your life. As Jesus comes in your heart every mess turns to a beauty because you and your life are now safe and perfect in Him.
Article Source: WRITERS
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