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Husband promises his wife a cruise for their 10th wedding anniversary
by Greg Miller
1/08/2012 / Marriage
Clarissa and her husband, Charles, had been married for 9 1/2 years.
On their wedding day, Charles had promised Clarissa that for their 10th wedding anniversary the couple would celebrate with a cruise to the Caribbean.
Over the years, Clarissa had for forgotten about her husband's promise. Charles, however, kept the promise at the top of his 10-year to-do list. Every day he prayed, "Lord, please help me to earn enough money to take Clarissa on this cruise.
As a high school teacher, Charles earned a small salary, so he asked the Lord to provide the extra money he needed for the cruise. The Lord opened the door for Charles to work part time as a taxi driver.
Charles worked as a taxi driver two evenings each week. Although he was now working two jobs, Charles still wasn't able to save enough money to pay for all the trip's expenses.
"Father," Charles prayed, "I would appreciate it if you would provide another job for me. I just need to earn a little more in order to take Clarissa on the cruise."
"I have already answered your prayer, My Son," the Lord replied. "You only need to work about four extra hours each week to be able to afford the cruise. I have instructed Cathie, a believer who manages the fast food restaurant near your home, to hire you. She is expecting you to stop by there tomorrow after you get off work to complete an application for employment."
"Thank you, Lord," said Charles. "I can always depend on you to answer my prayers and meet my needs."
"I'm always watching my children," replied the Lord. "I love you so much I can't take my eyes off you. And my ears are always at tentative to your cries."
Six months later, Charles purchased the cruise tickets. "Thank you for keeping your promise to me," Clarissa told Charles. "You are a real man of God! Thank you, too, for being willing to work so hard for so many years to make the trip a reality for me."
"You're very welcome, Dear," Charles said. "But I was determined to give you that trip, so it really wasn't a big deal. God gave me the strength to work and allowed me to have the jobs in the first place. He did all the work, but for Him it was a piece of cake. It was almost as if He used no energy at all to answer the prayer for me."
"Well, the Bible teaches that His strength is made perfect in our weakness," said Clarissa.
"Well, I'm glad to trade my weakness for His strength any day," grinned Charles. "I'm sure that I'm getting the best deal!"
To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements and/or puppet ministry, please email [email protected].
By Greg Miller 2018
Greg is retired from the Elizabethton STAR Newspaper, after working there for almost 23 years. He now freelances for the paper. Contact email address is [email protected], also Available for speaking engagements/other ministries. Jesus is Lord
Article Source: WRITERS
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