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Writing and Jesus
by Melissa Martin
1/22/2012 / Writing
Poem Laying my Pen at the Feet of Jesus
Emptying self-centered motives
Laying my Pen at the Feet of Jesus.
Emptying mind of self-absorbed thoughts
Laying my Pen at the Feet of Jesus.
Emptying preconceived notions
Laying my Pen at the Feet of Jesus.
Emptying vanity and pride
Laying my Pen at the Feet of Jesus.
Poem Motives for Writing
Do I write for fortune?
Do I write for fame?
Do I write to praise him?
To lift up his great name?
Do I write for ego?
And selfish desire?
Do I write for God?
And heaven's holy choir?
Do I write for me, myself, and I?
Do I write for blessings from the sky?
Do I write to see my name in print?
Do I write to pay my earthly rent?
Do I write to spread his saving grace?
Do I write to please his smiling face?
Poem Morning Coffee and Writing with Jesus
I invite Jesus to my morning coffee and writing session.
He always shows up.
I thank Him profusely for helping me with my prose.
He smiles. Jesus understands the life-transforming power of words.
After all, He wrote the greatest book in the entire world with some help from a group of flawed but sold-out to Jesus disciples and apostles. Yes, His group was a bunch of sold-out writers.
I, too, want to be a sold-out to Jesus writer. I ask Him to help me to compose with grace and not with stones. Jesus did not speak and write by hurdling words of judgmental stones. He told the truth with such compassion and mercy.
Think back to the Bible story about the woman caught in the act of adultery that was brought to Jesus and thrown to the ground by a group of rebel-raisers. We know what He said but what did Jesus write in the sand when He stooped down?
We converse about His style. Jesus spoke in creative parables so followers would immediately open ears wider to listen intently. The Bible is full of parables. I ask Him to sharpen my creative writing style and to help me to use stories to tell His story, the greatest chronicle of all time.
I am a flawed human being, a flawed writer. Searching for Jesus words to share with hurting humanity. Striving to create a story, a poem, a song, a devotional, an article that sparks hope in the forlorn reader.
But as I struggle to write, I know Jesus is changing me. As I gain His knowledge and wisdom, I change. Morning coffee and morning writing with Jesus changes me.
Poem Pen of Judgment
Do I write more about deceitful, horrendous, atrocious sin than astounding, mind-boggling, amazing grace?
Do I hurdle judgment words instead of offering words of grace?
Am I more sin-focused then grace-focused in my writings?
But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. (Romans 5:20)
Poem Acid Pen
I stare at my pen.
Does the ink that flows through the cylinder portray a God that is compassionate, merciful, forgiving, and full of grace?
How often have I tainted the ink with my own self-righteous acidity? My own sense of what is fair and what is not fair? How often has the ink been more about me and my emotions?
Drip. Drip. Drip. Have acidic words corroded my tongue and my testimony?
Lord Jesus, please enter my pen of acidic ink.
Poem Angels Dance on My Keyboard
Angels dance on my keyboard
As I invite them to ballet, bop, and boogie.
Together our words tap, tango and twist.
Angels dance on my keyboard
And listen as word prayers reveal my motives.
Together our text waltz, wind, and witness.
Angels dance on my keyboard
As I prepare my prose for the eyes of others.
Together our phrases salsa, swing, and sway.
Poem Do Demons Dance on my Keyboard?
When I am feeling self-righteous
Do demons dance on my keyboard?
When I am thinking superior
Do demons dance on my keyboard?
When I am writing in frenzied fury
Do demons dance on my keyboard?
When I am composing with big-o ego
Do demons dance on my keyboard?
When I am typing with malice motive
Do demons dance on my keyboard?
Poem Writer's Lament
I want to be a Jesus writer,
Not a doctor, lawyer, or prizefighter.
I want to write with a pen of fire
To spread God's grace is my desire.
I want my keyboard to be God's tool
I want to attend heaven's writing school.
I want to see my words in print,
Jesus please, hear my lament.
Poem Cold Weather Writing
Cold weather writing
Is so exciting!
I lounge in chair
With writing prayer.
With coffee poured
I join the Lord.
I snuggle up
With coffee up.
As coffee is stirred
I prepare His word.
I become a scribal
As I read my Bible.
Jesus writing
Is so exciting!
Melissa writes about the God and human connection and condition.
Article Source: WRITERS
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