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Understanding the Verse

by Charles Rivette  
3/21/2012 / Writing

I tell you, on the Day of Judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."
(Matthew 12:36-37 ESV)

I recently wrote a short testimony on what I believe Family to be. My fianc read the testimony to my soon to be in-laws. Her dad made a comment to me that God has given me a gift to write. I didn't know exactly what that meant, but as I was sitting at work one morning I decided that until further notice I would try something different for me. I decided that each week I would think of a subject that I might be interested in or might like to write about.
So this week I decided to search the internet for communication bible verses, and as I was reading some of the verses they had one stood out to me more than the other. It was Mathew 12:36-37 (under the picture above). I don't know why this verse stuck in my head more than the others, but I took it as a hint to try and understand the verse. As I thought about this verse, I couldn't really grasp what the meaning of the verse meant. So many things ran through my mind as to what this verse could mean. I know pastors or preachers, and just everyone in general read a verse and takes it in a different content.

I do understand the concept of the verse, but you can go into such more detail about what is actually said. Let us try and break it down section by section. First section: I tell you, on the Day of Judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak. I believe God as saying when we die and go before him at the gates of heaven, every word that you have spoken in your entire life will be brought before him and before you. What an amazing thought, I mean every word that you speak will be put before you. Just to give you an idea, a man is thought to speak 7,000 words a day. A woman is said to speak 20,000 words a day, so you can only imagine the amount words and phrases that you use in your life will be brought put before you when you see God face to face for your final judgment. Why women speak 13,000 more words a day is beyond me, and that is for another topic.
The second section states: For by your words you will be justified. That seems to be an easy concept to think of. I mean, you tell someone they look pretty or have a nice day; those are words that will be brought before you as well. If you have read my other article, you would know that I have just recently been going back to church over the last 5 months. I was born Catholic, went through all the classes, was confirmed Catholic and then left the church for almost 10 years. I believe that it's not only talking about the good things you say to people, but more importantly what you say to God. I believe you go to church and you pray to God and you worship God, those are all good things you say that will be put before you and before God. God wants all your praise and all your Glory. He doesn't want to be put on the back burner to money, drugs, alcohol, and every other vise that you may have in your life. God says to put no other Gods before him. It's hard to walk the path of a Christian. I am in law enforcement and it very difficult at time to be Christian. I am new to be Christian, so for me it is hard at times to break old habits that I have been accustomed to over the past 6 years. I have to remind myself that I am Christian and I am not going down the path I am supposed to. I know I have gotten off subject, but try and follow in his footsteps and those words that will be justified before you and before God at judgment day.

The third and final section of the scripture states: And by your words you will be condemned. Just as our words of good, and Praising God and glorifying him can justify you going to heaven, the words that don't praise or glorify can put you in hell. The word condemned means:
In terms of a person, condemned means "pronounced to be wrong, guilty, worthless, or forfeited; adjudged or sentenced to punishment, destruction, or confiscation."
When reading a definition of Condemned I find it kind of terrifying to think of it as being sentenced to punishment in hell. I remember going to Catholic class and having to remember the 10 commandments. I have to admit I have forgotten most of them other than just a few. I remember I shall not kill, which is the 5th commandment. The 2nd commandment is that "Thou shall not take the Lords name in Vain." I have stuck by this commandment more than any other in my life. You will not hear me take the Lords name in Vain. You will not see me murder anyone either, but for this segment that does not apply. I do my very best to honor God and praise him. I thank him everyday for letting me get up in the morning, see my family, and make it through the day with no problems. I do have problems walking in his footsteps all the time, but I will ask for forgiveness after each day before I go to sleep. Watch your words and what you say, because I know myself, I don't so many words that I have said in my life to be put before me and send me to hell. I want God to look down at me and tell me I have had faults, I have strayed from the path, but you have come back to ask for forgiveness and I welcome you to your final home with all that you love and all that follow me.

I can only hope that as I do these every week or so, that I get better at understanding what God wants, and hopefully he can help me send the message of what I believe these scriptures and versus mean for you, me, and everyone that comes across these words. Thank you for time and for reading. May God bless you and be with you and your family always.

Wrote by: Charles T. Rivette
February 23, 2012

I am 27 year old Police officer, that has been from having a wonderful family to getting divorced with no family. God let me go 6 years down a path of nothing, just to bring me back to my family and to him. I am in the best place I can be and I am starting to write to show my thanks to God.

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