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Understanding the Verse Part 2
by Charles Rivette
3/21/2012 / Writing
Romans 12:9
(Let love be genuine, Abhor what is evil; Hold fast to what is good.)
Have you ever wondered what love is? Do you know what the meaning of love is? I believe everyone wants to find love. If you have not found love, then you haven't experienced its awesome power and the ability to overcome almost anything when you have it in your life. In this segment of Understanding the verse, I am not here to tell you how to find love. I am here to explain that I have found love, and how I know that I am in love with the woman of my dreams. Through Gods grace and his forgivingness I am with the woman that was meant for me.
I can tell you that I once had love and didn't know that I had love with me everyday, and I let it go. I met my first wife when we were in high school. I wouldn't really say that we were high school sweethearts, but we became the best of friends. We didn't start dating until after I graduated and were together for about a year. During that year, we became pregnant. It was an awesome time; I was 20 and about to turn 21 in less than a month. My girlfriend at the time was 18 and about to turn 19. My son was born in April, and the following January we were married. We had a rough marriage; we had the support of our parents, but nothing else. Everyone I think knows about God and Jesus. They have heard of him, and have heard his stories and know about the bible. I'm not saying everyone believes in God or the bible, but I think most people have heard about him. My wife and I did not know God or even thought about the bible. Because we didn't know God, we had a lot of fights, a lot of pointless stress, and no communication between us. We did not make it a full year in marriage, and consequently we got divorced.
I would like to go through the scripture and explain how I feel the scripture fits in my life. The first part of the verse says: Let love be genuine. What does that mean and what does genuine mean? I looked up the definition of genuine and it states:
1. Truly what something is said to be; Authentic
2. Sincere
So it plain English I understand it to say, let love be truly what love is meant and said to be. That is LOVE. We were divorced for 6 years, and after all those years of having a missing piece to my puzzle of life I determined that I needed to tell her how I felt and how sorry I was for what I had done in the past. Within those 6 years she had found God and when I told how I felt, she had forgiven me. I told her I wanted to see my son, and after that we haven't been separated and are engaged to get married this June. God has given me love.
I can give you 2 reasons how I know I am in love, and know it is genuine. My fianc amazes me on a daily basis, and shows me that she loves me everyday. Today as I was getting ready to leave for work, I bent down to give her a kiss and the light caught her just right and she looked like angel. She was peaceful, and looked so comfy that I didn't want to leave for work. I felt this warm feeling in my heart, and I felt that God told me this this woman is to be with me forever. The second reason is that I was sitting at work today and was having a not so great day; I took my phone and saw a picture of her and my son smiling at me. I have to admit that it brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me that I have two people that love me more than anything. In the past I would always get home late, and avoid going home because it was so lonely. I now can't wait to get home and get a hug and a kiss from them both. There is no better feeling that having your son or daughter to run up to you and giving you a hug and kiss. I know in my heart that I have to be with them for the rest of my life.
The rest of the scripture says: Abhor what is evil; Hold fast to what is good. Most everyone knows that there is good and there is evil. I had to look up the definition to Abhor, because that is one word that is not in my vocabulary. Abhor is to Regard with disgust and hatred. I tell you to avoid evil, but that should be common sense for most. Everyone gets a choice when confronted with a decision to do well or to do evil. We all at one time or another have taken the not so great path at some point on our life. Anything that goes against Gods word I think is considered evil. I went down the wrong path and against his word for 6 years, not drinking nor doing drugs like most would associate but just not following hos word. I was directed by evil to do things I shouldn't have done. I got the divorce when all I needed was to find God and following his word. Hold fast to what is good. Hold on to the word of God, hold on to your family and hold onto love. Don't let love slip in between your fingers. Know that God and his love walks with you in every step of your life. I know at times it is hard to ask for help, and you think you can do it yourself. If you get in a hard time, pray for it and God will help you through it. He will send the help you need. My father in law made a great point to me last night. You get out of it what you put in it. You don't put anything into God or his word; you won't get anything out of it. Your place your problems and worries into gods hands you will have all your problems solved and everything will be back where it is suppose to be.
I hope that this segment has helped and people can understand my point of view of Romans 12:9. I know writing this has helped me apply m own writing into different parts of my life, and I pray that it can help you as much as it helped me. Thank you for your time in reading this, and I may God bless you and your family.
Written by: Charles Rivette 2-27-12
I am 27 year old Police officer, that has been from having a wonderful family to getting divorced with no family. God let me go 6 years down a path of nothing, just to bring me back to my family and to him. I am in the best place I can be and I am starting to write to show my thanks to God.
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