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Understanding the Verse Part 3

by Charles Rivette  
3/21/2012 / Writing

Romans 13:1-8
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain.

This segment of Understanding the Verse is to talk about the authority God has given us in our daily life. From the start of time there have been rules to follow, and there have been Rulers. God has put rules into place for many different reasons. I am a police officer and God has placed me in this profession for reason I am not sure of, but I'm sure one day I will be. God says in this scripture that let every person be subject to the governing authorities. The way I read it is that no one is to be above the law. Not the president who is some cases signs the laws into effect. More importantly no one is to be above Gods law, and what he has stated the laws be in the bible. God put the rules in the bible so that the rules of man will be based off his rules and for them NOT to be broken. Some of his earliest rules were written in the Old Testament, and we all know about the Ten Commandments. Every person is subject to his authority.

For there is no authority except God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. God stated that there are to be no other Gods before him, and that his rules and his authority shall be followed before any and all things. God has placed local, statewide, and national authorities in place many reasons. I think he had them put in place to maintain peace and so that they can look after his people. I know Catholics believe that there is a saint for just about everything. I know St. Michael is the Saint for the police, because he fought for God, his word and so that is the reason I believe he is the Saint for Police. Law enforcement go out on a daily basis and put there life on the line for the people God said for them to protect. God put leaders in place to make the rules that people know what not to do. The other side to that is that the devil also likes to make his own rules, and not all the time does the leader that God put in place follow the rules that he has instilled in them to make. God chose leaders in the beginning that had good honest values, and based rules on what God has stated in the Bible. We all know that some people that are elected to leadership positions do not follow the rules that God has put in place, and they break the rules or put there dishonest rules into effect. I myself have been trying to apply Gods rules to my everyday work in law enforcement. I ask him for compassion to deal with people. I ask him for understanding, and for patience. I pray that God will help me with the things I need to do my job completely. God is the ultimate authority above all things, but he has placed people above you so that you also have an authority figure you can see and hear.
Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. As we all know, there will be consequences for all your actions. You worship God, read his word and follow it; you will be blessed and will be rewarded in Heaven. You will also be blessed by the authorities God has instituted if you follow his word. The blessing could be as simple as getting a thank you from a police for just doing what you should. Stopping at the stop sign, when you see someone else run it. God will bless the one that follow and worship. It is as they say a double edged sword. If you do not follow his word and do what you're supposed to, you will incur judgment. We all know that judgment here on earth could be as bad as death. When you refer to judgment in Heaven and the spiritual sense, you are talking about being condemned to hell for eternity. We all make mistakes and vary from Gods word. A friend from told me he read a question on a twitter account that the pastor from The Fellowship of The Woodlands responded too. The question was: How many times can you be forgiven for the same sin? The pastor answered that you can be forgiven as many time as you are truly sorry for committing the sin. That makes a lot of sense to me, because we all make the same mistake several times. God is more than willing to forgive our sins, and that is why Jesus died on the cross for us. So that he can wash away all our sins. I ask that you do not resist Gods authority and who he appointed.

Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. Just like most of us were taught right from wrong, good from evil. Do what is good and you will receive Gods approval. The last part of this scripture sticks out to me. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. That means to me that if you break the law, the ones that God has placed to enforce them will not be punished for doing what is needed to fulfill the law God has given. In a physical sense, if you have intentions on harming the police during an arrest, and you end up getting killed because you didn't do what you were supposed to then od will not punish the police officer for protecting his life and that of his fellow man.

In closing, God has the authority over the heaven, the earth, and the entire universe. He has placed people on this earth in different positions to lead in different ways. He has put rules in the bible, so that we can understand what he wants and what he expects from his children. Follow his example as best you can, follow his rules and put trust in the people that are truly trying to obey him. God knows when he will be back and he knows who follows and who doesn't. Obey his authority. Thank you for reading, and I hope this has made you think on the different aspects of authority the way I see it. May God bless you and your family.

Written by: Charles Rivette

I am 27 year old Police officer, that has been from having a wonderful family to getting divorced with no family. God let me go 6 years down a path of nothing, just to bring me back to my family and to him. I am in the best place I can be and I am starting to write to show my thanks to God.

Article Source: WRITERS

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