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Understanding the Verse Part 4

by Charles Rivette  
3/21/2012 / Writing

Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that[a] they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

I use to wonder at time what it truly meant to serve someone. When I think of serving, I think of a restaurant waiter. I think of them asking you for your food, for your drink, and just making sure you are happy while your there eating. I guess you can see serving someone in that way. God has others ways in mind as well when he says to serve others. I hope in this segment of Understanding the Verse I can try and explain through some experiances that you can and should serve and help one another.

I can start out by saying that I can be the complete opposite of what God intended for us when he tells us to help and serve others. I have always been a person that keeps to himself, and would rather avoid people than to talk to them or help them. Most of my family knows that I have grown up around elderly people my whole life. My mom was 40 when I was born and my dad was 42. I grew up listening to old country and I felt at times that I was raised in the 50's and 60's like my dad was. I am not a people person, never have been. How I managed to get into law enforcement and work at the court house with a bunch of people sometimes amazes me. Over the past 5-6 months I have learned a great deal about helping others and serving people in different ways.
Starting with the scripture above, when you praise and worship God people notice. I can tell you that in 6 years that I was gone from my son and my ex wife (which is now my fiance) the family has changed. They started to attend church and took everything seriously. They realized how God works and how he wants us to live like he did. I know it is impossible to live like him, but its not impossible to try our best on a daily basis. After all that I had done to the family in the past, they still let me come back to the family without thinking twice. I could see a change immediately in the way they talk, act, and overall happiness of the family as a whole. My fiance's mom and dad have taught me a lot in these past months. Her mom and dad are always looking to make someones life easier, and are willing to help in any way they can. With them just trying to follow Gods path I could see his light and his ablilty to change people. The family is a great testimony to that. I had to say that I envyed what they have, and wanted to become a part of it.

I believe that when you do good deeds to help others in need, God sees that. I mean God in his commandment in John 15:12 says "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." God never said it would be easy to follow every thing he said. He knows we will sin, that's why he also says to ask for forgiveness. My father in law at times says that when something happens or someone makes him mad, that they make it hard for hom to be christian. That's a true statement, but I also always see him with a smile on his face and the family is always joking with each other. My family is awesome.

I know that people can make helping and serving them very difficult at times. You see the homeless people on the streets and you think to yourself that they can work, they are just lazy and want free money. Some are that way, and some cant work. I know I work hard for my money, and everything that I have bought. If I want to waste money, then it will be on my family. They have tought me that I cant be that way. Even though your family shoulsd be your first priority, don't be afraid or ashamed to help others. I know I helped a guy with some tires that I was going to get to keep on a car, and his were balled. I just gave him the tires because I knew he needed them and I didn't. I was asking for anything in return, just to help the guy out. He was greatful, and I was happy with that. God has rewarded me since in deifferent ways. When things get tough and you try to talk yourself out of helping someone, just use that old saying that was popular " What would Jesus Do?" He would help, and we should all help when we can regardless if the others are thankful for what they are given.

God will not over look what you do, and what you have done. He will give you glory in heaven for all that you do right on this earth and in this temporary life that which he has given us. When you help others in need you are glorifying his and doing what he has told you to do. You will be tempted on a daily basis to thing you shouldn't do, and that is just the way it will be. Satan doesn't like when you worship God and go away from what he has tought you all the years before.God will bless you, this I promise. I have been blessed and continue to be blessed. I may not know I am being blessed, other than me just waking up the next morning and having my family next to me. God is with you at all times, and will guide you down his path if you let him. Don't be upset at the people who do not show appreciation for the deeds you have done. God will show his appreciation when it's time for you to face him.

In closing, Love God, love your family, and love your fellow man. There will be times it will be hard to love fellow man, but you have to put judgment aside, because like my fiance says "It's not your place to judge." What a true statement, but it s human nature to do so. Forgive those who do not appreciate, and thank God for what you do appreciate. May God bless you and your family.

Written by: Charles Rivette

I am 27 year old Police officer, that has been from having a wonderful family to getting divorced with no family. God let me go 6 years down a path of nothing, just to bring me back to my family and to him. I am in the best place I can be and I am starting to write to show my thanks to God.

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