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Understanding the Verse Part 5
by Charles Rivette
3/21/2012 / Writing
Luke 15:7 ESV
Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
What does repent mean to you? It has a lot of meanings to every person that knows what it is. I believe there is a 3 step process to be able to repent. I'm sure that a lot of people may not agree with me, but this is how I believe it to be. I will try to explain this process to you in this segment of understanding the Verse.
The first step to have to repent is the obvious you have sin. What does it mean to sin? The dictionary states that sin is: An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. In terms that we all understand, it means to do something against what God says we must do, and against what he says in the bible. Last week while at church, the pastor made a comment that has stuck with me. He said that a lot of people think of sin as killing someone, raping someone, and pretty much doing something violent. He also said that when people say it was just a "Little white lie" that it's ok, and it was really a sin. The truth is that when you do not comply with teachings of God and what the Bible says to do then you are in sin. God understand that we are human, I mean he made us. He knows that we will make mistakes and we will sin. That's why he sent Jesus to the cross, so that he can save us from our sins. This is the first step in repentance is to sin, without sin there is no reason to repent.
The next step after sin, of course is to actually repent what you have done. We will also look at the definition of repent. To repent means:
1. Feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin.
2. View or think of (an action or omission) with deep regret or remorse.
I think that in order for us to truly repent the first thing we have to do is acknowledge that we have done something wrong. I have seen people that have murdered kids, beat their wives, and have just totally done some horrible stuff to people. They have been sitting in court and just smiling while looking at the pictures of what they have done to someone. They feel no regret or no remorse for the actions they have done. In order to repent I believe you have to feel regret, and/or remorse for your actions. If you don't feel regret then why should God feel passion to forgive you for what you have done? God is more than willing to forgive every person for what they have done, no matter what it is. I know sometimes especially in my line of work, it's hard to imagine how God can actually forgive people for some of the things they have done. I know that it is not anyone's place to judge anyone other than God, and therefore I have to just know that they will go in front of him on their final day and have to explain to him why they did what they did. I believe that when you feel remorse for things you have done, you have a conversation with God and tell him that your sorry for what you have done, and ask him to forgive your sins. You may not hear a "You are forgiven", but if you truly ask for forgiveness than you will be forgiven. I know I can't remember every sin that I commit on a daily basis, and when I ask for forgiveness he knows I simply can't bring them all up. I think that when you try to walk like Jesus did and act like Jesus did, then the sins will become less and less. Don't be afraid to ask for his forgiveness. He is more than willing to forgive you.
The third and final step in repenting is to try and not repeat same the sin. Like I said, we will always sin. That's just the nature of it, but if we can try and think about our actions and what we do then we can try and limit the sins we commit. If you ask for forgiveness for stealing a pack of gum and you are forgiven, don't go back and do it again. A coworker of mine was telling me a story one day about something he heard at church. A question was asked to the preacher, "How many time can you be forgiven for the same sin?" I've never thought of a question like that. He said the preacher said, "As many times as you truly feel sorry and ask for forgiveness for that sin." That being said, we all make the same mistake at some point, but don't steal gum and think that just because you ask for forgiveness that it makes it ok to do it again. Think about what you do, and think of what the Bible says. If you think it's a questionable thing, it probably is. It's like they say, follow your gut instinct. You know right from wrong, and you should follow it to a "T".
In closing, think about my 3 steps I have explained today. Sin is the first step, Repent is the second step, and not Repeat the same sin. Do not be afraid to communicate with God, and ask for his forgiveness when you regret and/or are remorseful for your sins you have committed. Thank you for reading this segment of Understanding the Verse. I hope that God blesses your family, as he has blessed mine.
By: Charles Rivette
I am 27 year old Police officer, that has been from having a wonderful family to getting divorced with no family. God let me go 6 years down a path of nothing, just to bring me back to my family and to him. I am in the best place I can be and I am starting to write to show my thanks to God.
Article Source: WRITERS
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