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Understanding the Verse Part 6

by Charles Rivette  
3/21/2012 / Writing

James 4:12 ESV
(There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? )

Why is it so hard not to Judge? In this segment of understanding the verse I am going to try to explain my thoughts on why it hard not to judge one another, and why God does not want us to judge each other.
I find the first of the verse fitting to go with the picture above. It says the following: There is only one lawgiver and judge. That is a powerful statement, because I know people who think what they say goes and that is how it is. God is the only lawgiver and judge. He set the laws that he expects us to follow through his law book. His law book that he says what we should and shouldn't do, how we should and shouldn't live, how we should and shouldn't love one another. I know that most people and all Christians know the book pretty well. The book I am referring to is called The Bible. God is the Judge and he wrote and signed all laws into practice when he gave people the wisdom to write what he wanted. God wrote the laws and he will give out punishments if you do not follow the laws he has written when you go before him on your day of judgment. I think that is no consequence when it's called "Judgment Day "
The second part says: he who is able to save and destroy. You hear on the news everyday that people think they are God. They think that they have the power to destroy. People shooting people, moms killing their kids, and all the negative things you hear and see. God can also destroy, but he does not like to do that. You read in the Old Testament, that when people did not follow what God said to do, he released plagues on the people. Everyone knows about the plagues where he turned water to blood, the entire locust, ect. God can destroy, but he can also save. I can tell you from experience that he saved my life in just one way that I can explain. He brought me back to my family that I had divorced 6 years ago. He saved me from years of sorrow and loneliness. I thank God every day that he led me back to where I needed to be.
The third part of the verse is I think the most important, and fits into everyday life. It says: But who are you to judge your neighbor? How true that statement is. How many times do you walk past someone and tell yourself or your spouse that the person looks bad wearing that, or I can't believe they would say such a thing out in public to their wife or husband. At that point we have judged those people. At our counseling last night, the pastor made a good example. You complain about your better half to your friends at work, or curse at him behind his back it leaves a bad impression on your co-workers. When you take your better half out with those same friends, they say to each other that he is the one that does this, or he does that. You have left the door open for judgment on him/her when there not need to be any. God know we all judge at some point and time. It's hard not to, I know that me being in law enforcement I judge on a daily basis. When child molesters and rapists stand before you, and you think to you self that they need to be killed for what they have put those people through, I know that is judging. I don't have the power or the authority to say what one person deserves, because that same person doesn't have that power over my judgment either. God gave us emotions, and having those emotions plays into factors that cause us to judge other people. Family works the same way. We love our family, and we don't want our family to be in a place where they are hurting, or may be in danger. We tend to judge at times whose fault is it that something is happening, we like to say that he is pushing her, or she does her part in what is going on. Family takes sides at times. What I mean by that is that the daughters side of the family will always take the daughters side in an argument between her and her husband, and vice versa. As Christians we have to learn to be neutral in family matters, because after all we are family. Family is supposed to stick together; because when bad times come who else will you have other than God if you don't have family? Family is family, and family sticks together.
In closing today, remember that you have no power to judge another person. You have no authority to judge how that person should act or what they should and shouldn't do. Stay strong with your family; keep them by your side no matter what happens. Family is family, and more importantly stay close to God. He always wants you close, and never leaves his side. I hope this writing will help you in daily trials today, and better your understanding on how God is the only one with the power and authority to judge. May God bless you and your family.

Written by: Charles T. Rivette

I am 27 year old Police officer, that has been from having a wonderful family to getting divorced with no family. God let me go 6 years down a path of nothing, just to bring me back to my family and to him. I am in the best place I can be and I am starting to write to show my thanks to God.

Article Source: WRITERS

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