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by Stan Popovich
4/28/2007 / Teen Issues
Learning how to manage your out of control anxieties can be extremely difficult. The first thing you need to do is to seek the services of a professional and/or counselor who can teach you how to manage your fears and give you the help that you need. In the meantime, here are some ways to cope with your fears and anxieties.
The first step is to take a deep breath and try to find something to do to get your mind off of the problem. A person could take a walk, listen to some music, read the newspaper, watch TV, play on the computer or do an activity that will give you a fresh perspective on things. This will distract you from your current problem. Most importantly, doing something will give you the self- confidence that you can do your tasks and that you can get through the rest of the day.
Remember that things change and events do not stay the same. For instance, you may feel overwhelmed in the mornings with your anxiety and feel that this is how you will feel the rest of the day. This isn't correct. No one can predict the future with 100 Percent accuracy. Even if the thing that you feared does happen there are circumstances and factors that you can't predict which can be used to your advantage. You never know when the help and answers you are looking for will come to you.
Your anxiety and worry will decrease over time. Your anxieties may seem intense at the moment, but that won't be like that forever. Your worry will eventually decrease in the long run.
A good way to manage your worry is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your fearful or anxious, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense.
Be smart in how you deal with your fears and anxieties. Do not try to tackle everything all at once. When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you with a lot of anxiety, break the task into a series of smaller steps. Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success.
In every anxiety related situation you experience, begin to learn what works, what doesn't work, and what you need to improve on in managing your fears and anxieties. For instance, you have a lot of anxiety and you decide to play on the computer to help you feel better. The next time you feel anxious you can remind yourself that you got through it the last time by playing on the computer. This will give you the confidence to manage your anxiety in the future.
Remember that sometimes our worrying and fears can make the problem even worse. Take things in stride and try not focus too much on the problem. Patience, persistence, education, and being committed in trying to solve your problem will go along way in fixing your problems.
Stan Popovich is the author of "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods" - an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For info go to:
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