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A Cleansing and Transformation

by Jeff Houdyshelt  
8/08/2012 / Testimonies

Singing, shouting, crying, relief, salvation, release, the Holy Spirit, an anointing, and one on one time with God. These are just a handful of things you will experience through the Cleansing Stream Ministry and retreat. What is the Cleansing Stream Ministry? It is a ministry that thrives on its' namesake; a spiritual cleansing.
Having been a part of two Cleansing Stream sessions, I can say without hesitation that Cleansing Stream Ministry is a life changing experience. My two bouts in this wonderful ministry have been both as a participant and Intercessor.
So what exactly goes on during a Cleansing Stream session? First you will dedicate yourself to attending weekly meetings for several weeks. During these classes, you will be introduced to topics and videos about such things as Offense, giving your worries over to God, and how to maximize your walk with our heavenly father Jesus Christ.
You will watch a video weekly from people like Joyce Meyer, John Bevere, Raymond Pettitt (whom I personally love) and Jack Hayford. Each week it is on a different topic, but they all are building you up to the retreat weekend. There will be books to read, homework to do, lots of scripture reading, and tons of prayer.
All of these things are prepping you for the big weekend at the end of the session. You will feel the intensity build with every class, and you will come under attack from our mortal enemy the devil. But don't worry Cleansing Stream will prepare you for that also.
Each week as you attend class and do your homework, you will feel God tugging you along. This is normal, and expected as you become closer to him through all of the activities associated with the ministry. The weeks will go by quickly as you study and reach out to your God through prayer.
Finally the very affordable retreat will be upon you. The curiosity surrounding the retreat will begin to enter your heart and mind. It is very natural and common, but what should be consuming you should be the excitement about finally relieving yourself of years of spiritual baggage.
During the retreat, you will begin by worshipping God through music and prayer. You will receive lectures on many topic areas. You will also receive an opportunity to approach an Anointer (prayer partner) and have them pray with you for those things that have been hampering your spiritual wellbeing.
The retreat will be filled with life changing moments. You will see and experience the touch of God as you release all of your worries and troubles to God. There will be crying, but there will also be shouts of praise as you the participant feel the hand of God upon you.
During the weekend you will see a transformation of biblical proportions as the participants' go forward and give God their heart and soul. There is no greater feeling than going before God and relieving yourself of things that you never knew existed.
For me, my change came when I admitted that I held a grudge against God for my injury that cost me my career in law enforcement. You have never seen a bigger smile than the one I had on my face after I released that offense. I felt like a brand new person, and I was not alone. The people around me were shouting to God as they found their spiritual release.
This last retreat I attended granted me the opportunity to be an Intercessor that worked hands on with each participant. I had the honor of seeing a good friend collapse as an Anointer prayed for him. One minute they were praying, and the next Steve was on the floor.
I could not have been happier for him. He had a lot of junk that needed to be dealt with spiritually, and I was proud to see his face after he regained his composure. I hugged and cried with him as he came back to his seat.
That was just one of many moments of where I saw the happiness of the many faces as they one by one tackled their demons. My wife and I are over a year removed from our initial experience with Cleansing Stream. We have intensified our relationship with each other and with God.
What I have described is just a nugget about the life and spiritual transformation you will experience through the Cleansing Stream Ministry. This ministry will cost you a little time, a little money, hours of prayer and homework. But each and every moment is worth the time and effort you put into your experience.
I am getting ready to begin my third Cleansing Stream session, this time as a small group leader, and hopefully as an Intercessor again. You will never regret your involvement with this ministry. You may sacrifice a little, but what you will gain through that sacrifice is a thorough spiritual cleansing that will change your life forever.

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