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How I came to Jesus

by Michael Hume  
9/16/2012 / Testimonies

After 6 years in the army, I went to University in Norwich, England to study social sciences. In the final year, I met Mary, who was doing a year in the school of English and American studies, at UEA, like me. She was American and a Christian. We both liked running and the idea was to run a half marathon together. Which we did.

We kept company and she told me she had a "daily personal relationship with Jesus." That struck me, especially as nobody ever said that to me before. I was a Catholic as a child, and faith and religion played no part in my life for the last ten years. I didn't know that you could know Jesus for yourself.

I said in the army I lived detached from society, and she retorted she also lived detached as a Christian. This was going to be okay. She led me through some prayers, and I accepted that Jesus went to the cross for all my sins. He was my Saviour and I asked God to forgive all my sins.

By the end of January 1987, I was a Christian. I knew God the Father and Jesus first-hand and talked and listened to God daily. I began praying for others a lot more, and was quicker to forgive and forget. Before that I was quick to mentally retaliate if someone wronged me.

I bought a RSV Bible and read the New Testament first. I was hungry for the word. 25 years on and I still have that Bible but also have an NIV, NRSV and NLT. I read the Bible each day and have only good things to say about God. I tend to read it from cover to cover and have read it tens of times. It is vital to know the Bible first-hand.

A few weeks after starting the faith journey, Mary noticed my faith was not strong enough to withstand Satans attacks. So she said I should have the gift of tongues, which she had and that would give me an added weapon. I knew about tongues as I heard them speaking in tongues in a church we visited. So she rang her parents in the USA from Norwich. I spoke to her father, then her mother. She said the next morning I was to get up, kneel by my bed and speak in tongues. I got up the next morning, knelt by my bed and spoke in tongues. It has helped my faith over and over again.

God knows each of us. He also knows how to get to us. He loves and cares for us. I owe Jesus my life and can't express my thanks to God enough or say enough good things about him.

I got direction for my life. To serve my family, and the world. Intercession is a main calling, and also writing. God has answered many of my prayers. Thousands. It may cost you. You make sacrifices but you do so willingly and gladly. It is the most natural, straight life for your journey. Worth a lot more than the previous life. You get to know your real purpose on earth, and prepare intensely for heaven. You get a lot of insights about heaven and hell, right and wrong, become more selfless, and re-formed like Jesus.

God Bless you.

Michael Hume. The Holy Spirit teaches you everything. Copyright belongs to author.

Article Source: WRITERS

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