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Truth or Religion: My Testimony

by Gregory Booker  
9/25/2012 / Testimonies


I have been touched by the Spirit of God to share in the Good News of the Gospel. I have no degree in Theology but I have faith given me from Calvary's Hill. I became interested in the legitimacy of prophecy and with a fondness for the history of man asked two simple questions. Realizing that the Old Testament dealt almost exclusively with Israel, I asked the Lord this " What is the meaning of Israel's rebirth of May 14, 1948 and does it have any prophetic significance? My second question was based on not doubting the literal intent of the Book of Revelations, I asked " How could Man be so wrong and God be so right that such a book had to be written?"

And so I began a consuming search for Truth....Could Islam and Christianity, which do disagree, both be right? God forbid!! If this was the case where and how could God's righteousness stand. The true God must speak to all men the same for this is my absolute principle if there is a God. Let us be well aware of the fact that man does have free will but unfortunately, free will is no guarantee that one is in accordance with God's will.

I began my search, studying biblical prophecy, Jewish history and religion in general...over 20 books costing a mere estimate of $250.00 and being read in less than 18 months. Certainly a small investment but a great revelation have I found. For I find the emphasis of the true God is not religion but Truth...for Truth is a fact demonstrated by God Himself. This is what I really saw while studying Jesus Christ first coming and it demonstrated God's power to deliver even from death. And I see Truth pulsating through the rebirth of Israel, demonstrating itself slowly but surely against the many false religions and unbelief among the Gentiles of our generation in preparation of Christ second coming.

Now I see what the great Apostle Paul was blessed to see for our benefit by the grace of God, in the scripture, and the Spirit of Truth directs me to write it down. For God did test a nation by the first coming of His Son. And wisdom declares the stage is set to try the world through the return of His nation...Israel to test the belief of all other nations in His Word. The unbelief of this world will bring down from the heavens Truth himself in Christ return and He will deliver Israel.

For the present, let us call this a ministry of hope in Christ having no physical location but with the exception of your body. Which is it not also known as the temple of God for those who are lead by the Spirit. Scripture desires we all might prophesy but not that we all be prophets, as the Church ought to covet prophecy. And for good reason since Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and there is no other spoken of to come. For it is the Lord, who being resurrected which gives us this hope.

My main objective has come down to this based on the testimony God gives concerning truth or religion. That prophecy shall be used for the purpose of proving our belief...making known our hope, that in that day we might be found worthy and blameless due to our enduring faith. And therefore desirable unto the Lord, we shall be "caught up" by our Lord removing us from the great day of evil that is indeed approaching this generation.

And what is the purpose of this evil? That Zion's Deliverer will save all of Israel from a world of unbelief and conclusively God shall demonstrate Himself and the glory that is in His Son the Christ in the valley of decision. Thus truth shall be revealed and proven and that our God is no religion but God of all men as already declared per the scripture. What a mighty God we serve as it shall be done in righteousness.

"Inspired Writings of a Prophet for Jesus the Christ" was released in 2012 and has a press release at link
God is looking for a few good watchmen to stand at the gates from the walls of Jerusalem and declare a few things by His Word.

Article Source: WRITERS

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