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The Christian life, and before

by Michael Hume  
10/07/2012 / Testimonies

After spending 25 years in a daily relationship with God, and Jesus, and nearly 30 years without God, here are some reflections.

Now I read the Bible daily, talk and listen to God each day. Before, the Bible was not a living book to me. Now I read it to survive.

Now I am aware of my sin and aware of God's forgiveness instantly when I repent. Perhaps my morals now generally are about the same as before. I probably sin as much now as I did before. My conscience told me that sin was wrong before.

I am absolutely sure that I am going to heaven once this earth life is over. Before I thought once that I would, but other times was not sure.

The realm of heaven and hell are real now. God is real and the angels of hell are. Before, I had no inkling that you could talk directly to God and Jesus, and hear from them.

Now I seek God's direction for my life and submit my life, plans and everything to His control. Before, I went my own way. Sometimes getting a bit selfish too. Now thanks to God, I am more selfless.

Now I notice the contrast between good and evil a lot more than before. Also I get attacked by Satan a whole lot more now than before. When you stand up for God, you become more of a target for Satan, but God is always at hand to keep me safe. Through God I will always get the victory over Satan.

Now I have definite purpose for my life and have callings I would never have had, if I continued without God. For instance intercession and writing for God would never have happened if I continued life without Jesus.

Some of the old life continues. Love for sport, hobbies and interests. Some hobbies and sports are more developed, like astronomy and swimming. Since Jesus came into my life, I am much closer to my family.

May God bless you.

Michael Hume. The Holy Spirit teaches you everything. Copyright belongs to author.

Article Source: WRITERS

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