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I Once Was Lost But Now I Am Found

by Stephen Vattimo  
4/25/2013 / Testimonies

I was not a juvenile delinquent, but i was an out of control class clown.
By the second grad I was removed from public school, and removed from my parent's custody, and made a ward of the state , and placed in a privet boarding school.
During my nine years stay at the boarding school ,six of those years i spent standing in a hall with my face to the wall for being unwilling to subject my self to authority, or structured program of the school.
When i was the age of fourteen , my path started to take a positive turn, as i was entered into a one on one tutoring program , were my path intersected with a truly gifted teacher, who possessed the gifts of creativeness , patience, and a caring heart toward difficult students. She had been a great instrument in opening my eye to understanding the important me applying my self to getting my education , and to summit my self to those who have been placed in authority over me.
At the age of sixteen I returned to live with my parents , and returned to Public High School . while i was living at home my life was full of loneliness, fear , and uncertainty. These troubled times started me on my quest to find out who God really is , and seek his help to survive this stormy time in my life.
Along my quest to find God , The Devil tried to ensnare me with various cult groups who tried to fill my head with their false teaching about God , Jesus, and the Bible, through inviting me to their study groups, sending or giving me their magazines and books.
God had intervened in my journey, and brought the light of truth, the Holy Bible into my life, to guide me along the path to find Himself.
I had been given two Bibles by two different people, who never crossed paths with one another.
the summer of 1981 i was fatally wounded by being hit by a speeding car while crossing a street . The impact from the car throw my body about 75 feet through the air. I was hospitalized for about a week , then i was released to go home, but i had to be watched because i was having blackout spells.
During that summer i spent about six hours a day reading The Holy Bible
and praying for God to reveal Him self to me. God , through His Holy Spirit , show me through the scripture what i need to do to receive Jesus Christ as my Savior, and how to confess and repent from seeking to live of sin , and to live for God by faith. I became a Christian and have receive eternal, instead of receiving death in the summer of 1981, and i am still work at living and serving My God , My King.
You know I pass the corner where i was hit by the car, often, and i thank God I didn't die before I met Christ.

Written by Stephen J. Vattimo
June 6 , 2008

Article Source: WRITERS

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