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Being a Lady of Virtue

by Janelle Goodwin  
5/14/2013 / Testimonies

A Lady of Virtue
Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31: 10

Spring 1997, 19 years old, I don't have a job, a boyfriend, a future or a purpose. God, what is Your plan for my life? What do You want me to do? What purpose do You have for me? After returning from Bible College these were just a few of the questions that were going through my mind. Sitting back at my parents house, reflecting on the events that have brought me to this point, I realize that the past few years have been the most transitional time of my life. This is where God started me on my Journey of Becoming a Lady of Virtue.
It all began as I became involved in our church's youth group. I was new to the crowd and felt very intimidated to join in as the others were so involved with God's purpose for their life. As I continued to attend the meetings & seek God, God continued to draw me closer to Him. It was at this time that I learned the meaning of true repentance and the wonderful free gift of salvation it brings, I learned what it meant to have a quality quiet time with God, a continuous study of His word. I learned the sound of and how to listen to God's still small voice. I learned how to live a peculiar life so that others would see my light shine and I would glorify my Father in Heaven. Then, as my journey brought me to Bible College, I learned to not take man at his word but to study the Bible to find out what I believe. I learned that having the boldness to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was more satisfying and self-fulfilling then if you just pleased yourself. I also learned how the heartache of disappointing news can be turned around as long as you know that you are following the will of God. And this brings us to the beginning, where I learned what God needed me to do. As I sat on the couch, talking to my mom, trying to decide what my next step needed to be, God laid His burden on my heart. Right then and there, God gave me the conviction to learn how to be the best lady I could be for Him. He placed in me the desire to tell others what I've learned. As you continue you will join me as I reflect on my Journey of Being a Lady of Virtue.
What is a Lady of Virtue? Being a woman of virtue as described in Proverbs 31, presents a true challenge for a lady to be a diligent homemaker, a valuable helper, a nurturing mother, upright and God fearing. The virtuous lady receives a reward for faithfulness because she is not dependent on the temporary outward appearance. A virtuous lady puts her trust and strength in the satisfying fear of the Lord with a reverent and obedient spirit that makes her worthy of praise and honor from her family and her Lord. She is a lady that is valued for her moral goodness, chastity and merit. A Lady of Virtue portrays goodness, righteousness, honesty, decency and integrity. Her appearance is proper, honorable, kind and just suitable to the standards God has given us in His word. 1 Thessalonians 4:7 tells us, "For God hath not called us into uncleanness, but unto holiness."
So, what is it that makes a Lady of Virtue so valuable? She is a lady that is wrapped up in strength and honor, one who thinks how things will be affected before she speaks, and only uses her tongue for the edification of others this is a lady whose price is far above rubies. A Lady of Virtue knows that if any man among them seems to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. (James 1:26) She keeps her tongue from evil, and her lips from speaking guile. (Psalm 34:13) A lady of virtue is a lady that clothes herself in the finest but modest apparel. She realizes that her beauty should not come from her outward appearance; instead, it should be that of her inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. (1 Peter 3:3-4 NIV) This is a lady who fears the Lord and is worthy to be praised. She is a lady that sees she can do good work, but is not afraid to work until the job is finished this is a lady that God will give fruits for her hands and will let her works be praised. A lady of virtue is a lady that believes in whatsoever she does in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord, Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him And whatsoever she does, she does it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord, she will receive the reward of the inheritance: for she serves the Lord Christ. (Colossians 3:17, 23, 24)
Why is it important for us to be Ladies of Virtue? Titus 2:3-5 states as ladies of virtue should behave like that which presents holiness. We should not talk about other people; we should not be a slave of much wine. We should be teaching the younger girls and ladies how to be proper and loving wives and mothers. They need to learn from us how to be sensible, pure, kind, workers of the home. We need to be quiet and respectful in everything we do so that the younger girls will learn to be the same way. We must not go around speaking evil of others, or we will teach each other that it is acceptable to gossip. We should always be teachers of goodness and how to be proper. According to Titus 2, we need to be ladies of virtue so that we can teach the younger girls. It is much easier for the younger ones to believe what we are saying is true if we live our lives as their example. When we live our lives this way we will not blaspheme the word of God.
In the day and time that we live in we need to be careful about everything we do. Some people may deny these teachings of God, but they are the sound teachings of Jesus Christ, and are the foundation for Godly living. Anyone who teaches something different disagrees with the correct and Godly teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. They corrupt minds of the people of this world; they do not have truth in them to gain Godliness. They have wicked minds and they have missed out on the truth. This world has made it seem like the bigger and better things you have the more recognized you are on the earth. We brought nothing into this world and we will definitely not bring anything out of this world. We need to be ladies of God, and run from these things. We can not lose sight of why we are doing what God has called us to do. We must follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and meekness and pass them on to the generations that follow.

Lady of Virtue Ministries started as Janelle Goodwin attended Bible College in upstate NY. Janelle became burdened to see souls saved from eternal condemnation. Upon returning home from Bible College, she also became burdened to see women of the world develop characteristics of a Proverbs 31

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